Who was the first American in space?


Active Member
This question is inspired by the Chuck Yeager thread. So I am wondering, does anybody know who the first american in space was?


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I guess I should have mentioned to NOT google for the answer.

So WITHOUT googling, who was the first american to orbit the earth? (easy question)


Active Member
orbit is a different question than space. at what point are you considering earth to end, and space begin or visa versa. it is not quite cut and dry. before the astronauts, Colonel Joe Kittinger jumped from a foil balloon exelsior III from over 100,000 (stratosphere?) feet and fell for over 4 minutes breaking the sound barrier with his body. he paved the way for all of the space programs, without him would not exist.


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Salt, I was going for the more recognized feat of taking off in a rocket and blating insto space. Most people think it is John Glenn.
Another easy question, who was the second man on the moon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Salt, I was going for the more recognized feat of taking off in a rocket and blating insto space. Most people think it is John Glenn.
Another easy question, who was the second man on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin but I'm from houston, so it is a little more personal here.


Active Member
So we are doing great so far, now for a hard question. Who was the guy that went up with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, but did NOT step on the moon?


I got one for your guys.
Who is pictured in the man stepping onto the moon and who took the picture.
It's just a logical thinking problem...trick question lol


Active Member
Salty, very good!
Well I am out of astronaut trivia.
Airforce, the person stepping on the moon is Neil Armstrong and who took the picture is the camerman in the soundstage. Although they had to wait for 15 mintues because it was union break time when they finally got it set up right.


Originally Posted by Scotts
Airforce, the person stepping on the moon is Neil Armstrong and who took the picture is the camerman in the soundstage. Although they had to wait for 15 mintues because it was union break time when they finally got it set up right.

Ew gross you're one of them!? lol jk
I watched a conspiracy (sp?) on exactly that a while ago.
Not to start any fights or arguments but I strongly disagree with people that think it's a conspiracy lol


Active Member
Google John punching the reporter that was accusing him of faking the landing.
Awesome when a young jerk tries to bully an older man and gets owned. Down with single punch and hes in his 70's at the time.


Active Member
To bring this thread back to its core, name the original Mercury 7 astronauts? Two have already been mentioned in the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
To bring this thread back to its core, name the original Mercury 7 astronauts? Two have already been mentioned in the thread.
Well there was
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Geordi La Forge
Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Salty, very good!
Well I am out of astronaut trivia.
Airforce, the person stepping on the moon is Neil Armstrong and who took the picture is the camerman in the soundstage. Although they had to wait for 15 mintues because it was union break time when they finally got it set up right.

Studio 14 I think it was since when does a flag fly straighht out in a place with no wind....
Originally Posted by Nano Reefer

you are all stupid! its buzz light year!
YOU stink I was waiting the whole thread to say that...