Who/what got you into this hobby?

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sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen

Who got you into this hobby? for me, it was a reef project i did in 6th grade, and since then, i have been crazy aout fish,inverts, and corals.


I had been keeping fresh water fish for a long time, but they were starting to get boring. I had successfully raised quite a few groups of fry and I wanted to do something more challenging. Then my fiance cheated on me with a guy at work, and ended up leaving me. I was heart broken, and I had about $2500 from an engagement ring, so I sold all my fresh water fish and started a saltwater tank. It succesfully kept my mind busy and spent all my money for me! :D


Active Member
Believe it or not a sand sifting starfish got me into this hoby. I was at my LFS looking at some african cichlids when I peered into their reef tank and saw the little guy "hovering" along the sand. At that moment I was sold on it. I went home drained my freashwater tank and now I have a reef. Also scuba diving played a big part.


Active Member
I origonaly started with FW as I grew tired of it I went to SW quikly converted it to a FOWLR within a year it became a reef tank and know I'm hooked.

sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen

Ijji, I have been looking at your signature. I think all of them are soooo cool! It was first the polyps(thats all i remember) and then it was the clown and carpet anem, and now its the fox face! I love it! :D


freind of ours had a 35gal reef and always talk about it and gave us a 30 gal to start one to see if we liked it we spent damn near 1K that night on tank stuff.. since then we (my family) have been hooked on it... now we have a 55gal reef.. damn that freind for what we have spent on the tank i could have a new car by now!! oh well it looks cool..


My Dad got me starting the hobby. He got me involved in Boy Scouts and got me a subscription to Boy's Life. One of the ads in the magazine was for minature seahorses. He bought those for me and I started then on my quest. Today I have freshwater and saltwater and have gotten all my kids involved with their own freshwater tanks.
I had been keeping fresh water fish for about as long as I can remember. A friend was needing some quick cash, so he sold me his 55 gallon tank, that he raised betas in, for 20 dollars. I was bored with the fresh water gig, and decided to branch out into reef tanks. I bought a book about it and launched into the most expensive hobby I ever tried. But I love it.

salty james

It was the 3 gallon eclipse that got me started. Like most got into FW then moved on to SW. Still have a 10g FW with africans though.. Cant get rid of my electric blue.!

mr . salty

Active Member
When I quit drinking,,,I needed something to occupy my mind and time(other than DRINKING) It's been three years now and I still have the tank,,,,,,,,,And I'm still sober...


my tanks drive me to drink, unfortunately i can no longer afford it!!!! :)
my dad had a tank as long as i can remember, we used to go catch stuff out of the river (it's brackish/salt)then i started diving and decided i wanted a reef of my own to play with, but i was still too poor. now i am in college so i am still poor, but since my scholarships par for most everything i work for my tanks.


way world did it for me 6 years ago i boughta 55 gal and 2 oscars. Soon the 55 turned into a 75 then 100 then to a 30 gal. reef

sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen

Didnt know that so many people started out FW. I did start with goldfish, then i would go to the lfs and see the SW tanks and got jelious and then, the next thing i know, my dad (started when i was 12, just had the tank and a fish(it was blacky, the black niger trigger) then he died, left the tank for a couple years, then after college, i got back into it and decided to have a reef tank) got me an 85 gallon w/ skimmer, over flow box, sump, and $1000 toward my new reef. Then, for the past 2 years, had a reef tank going. Also, what got me started(before the trigger) was the Great Barrier Reef project i did in the 6th grade. :)


I think most reefers or SWF FO peops started w/ freshies actually; probably already been polled;
been in freshie off & on for about 15 yrs; had small circle of friends that were into freshies only; freshies may not have the variety of life of marine/reef tanks, but I would never say they are boring; just depends how much you put into it; the cat enjoys watching "her" 55 freshie tank more then the marine tank; however the other cat won't get near the marine one 'cuz it's afraid of the "giant green spider"...
anyways I can remember my uncle's 10 gallon w/ all the kool looking fish like painted glass so later I ended up w/ 55 community tank of my own of freshie's that I was NEVER bored w/...15 years later the roomie had cousin that had a boss tired of supporting "
boring" 100 gallon "reef" tank whose inhabitants we got put into 35 g corner tank; then from there a 135 reef tank in the office...w/ soon to be shark hopefully if this one hatches :)


Honestly it was reading a book on shark attacks in the 6th grade that got me interested in the ocean. But it wasnt untill I got a good deal on a 55gal and went to the LFS to stock it with neon tetras or some other bs and I saw REAL reef tank, 7 months and $1000 later I am hooked, much to my wifes chagrin!!!!!!!!


Started like mostly everyone with FW..on and off...
Then I saw my Daughter-in-laws Reef and I was hooked line and sinker....$1000.00's of dollars later we are STILL looking at this, adding that, and I have to admit, this is a hobby, addiction, what ever you want to call it,,, that the whole family can become involved in...We name our fish, and cleaning crew, well almost everything, and some are named after my kids...my friends..etc...
I have a girlfriend who buys me stuff for her 10 yr old, and he'll come over just to sit in front of the tank and watch for hours...he has lots of questions, and my son and him will look stuff up in the Marine Atlas, or her on this MB to find the answer..
Its just wonderful..My tank is in my kitchen/dinning area..and EVERYONE who comes in and sits, is just mesmerized..WE even do water changes as a family thing on Saturdays....
~Susie... ;)
wanting to be a marine biologist and getting out of the stupid freshwater hobby.of course my mom influenced me so much....not :D

fish therapist

New Member
Girlfriend suprised me with a 1.5 gallon desktop tank for a betta,loved that,month later I got a african cichlid tank going.year later drained it and wanted to go to salt(reef was still on the back burner)Ended up with inverts in there pretty much before any salt fish.Now I have several reef and aggressive tanks,work with fish for a living and have a neglected girlfriend but spoiled fish.
And yeah I still have a small tank for my bettas,but theres always a micro reef in the future.These years later I still like watching those fish.


I'll jion all those who started with FW. I had two tanks in our apartment when we were first married. In the one tank I had 2 5-6" Tin Foil Barbs that I just loved. Anyway, we bought a house so the tanks get disassembled in the move. Well, then came the kids....3 of them, and cars and college tuition, etc, etc, etc.
My wife knew I had alays admired SW so for my 50th B-day she and my kids bought me the basic setup for a 45. Talk about the "gift that keeps on giving", or is that "costing"?? I'm still working on it, spending money on it, and enjoying it more and more 3 years later......