Who/what got you into this hobby?

  • Thread starter sodium, chlorine, hydrogen2, oxegen
  • Start date


As for getting into the hobby. My girlfriend now my wife had the 55g reef and the 150 as a FW. When we got married, I took over the tanks. And, as the tanks (55g reef & 150 FOWLR) started doing real well, my need and want for info. got me where I am now...

slk's reef

When i was young i would love to go to the pet store and then i bought a 10gallon for FW.....then to a 40 gallon then i got board with the Fw fish and i was debating on getting a saltwater tank or staying with the FW tank.then i started a FOWLR tank then i like corals so i add some mushrooms the i started getting more into corals then fish and i bought a 50gallon with pc's and now all my corals are doing great


I always had fresh water fish when I was a kid - guppies, angels, swords, you name it. Had to break it down when I went to college, but my college roommate got us a tadpole that grew into a frog. Darn thing has a life expectancy of 2 years, but he lived for close to 8 - she took custody on graduation because I headed out to AZ for graduate school where I had a small goldfish bowl. I lost them when the exterminators came while I was away on break :( Came back to CT when I got my first real job and set up a 20 g fresh water, but saw all the salt tanks and had to give it a try. Set up my first 45 g salt tank 13 years ago - hadn't even heard of reefs or live rock so yes, I had the undergravel and cc and dead decorative corals. This Dec. I started up my new 55g DSB/LR and moved my fishes over and have just started to get a few hardy mushrooms, polyps and a leather. totally awesome hobby. Anyone who walks into my house makes a bee-line for the tank.