Who Wields The Most Power?


Active Member
I will say big buisness .They donate to Goverment and goverment tell the populations what they can and can't do and most of the civilazation are like sheep so it never changes.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Who is big business. If you work in an assembly line for an auto manufacturer are you part of that entity, or not? People try to distance themselves from big business like it is some sort of monster. We are that monster. We as citizens have surrendered our rights and priveleges to government. Soon federal, state and local government will employ more people than the private sector. I call it "back door communism" and it is growing at an alarming rate with more and more programs to make citizens dependent on the government. We need to get busy shrinking our government back to a manageable size.
Amen, brother!


Citizens hold the power but are either A) afraid to use it, B) don't care to use it, or C) too lazy to use it. I'm really thinking it's the latter of the 3.
Too many looking to others for things they should be providing for themselves or learn to live without. But they won't, they'll vote for anyone who makes promises something for nothing, thus enslaving themselves to their own laziness. Most people really are too lazy to put forth the effort and are just fine drinking the Kool-aid; as long as Idol is on - don't bother me.