Who will be the next american idol???


Active Member
I missed it last night :( but I am sure Mikala Striesand did a horrible job. I think she has done poorly for awhile...and she drives me nuts. Is she originally from long island? I think she was from vegas? What plastic surgery would you say she has had done?
Either way, I hope she is voted off (or really not voted in)!!!


If you could vote off a judge...or a host:rolleyes: , which would it be? It's a tossup for me between the host, and Randy. They both get on my last nerve. Just once, I would like to hear the host say, "Ryan Seacrest Out," and actually mean it, like he's never coming back.


Active Member

I really don't care for Paula. I like to see people put in their place and she thinks everything is just great.


Yes, Paula is a naggy, whiney, bratty type. If it could just be Simon, that would be great because really, Simon is almost always the deciding vote on the audition portion, so what's the point of the other two judges. Then, once America starts voting, there's no reason for the judges to be there, except to advertise softdrinks, and wear obnoxiously huge hoop earings. Good point Ophiura. :yes: