who will eat my crabs/shrimp

i have seen the monitor with inverts on certin fish---which tells me someday that fish may attack the invert and have dinner
i have a cleaner shrimp and blue leg hermits and will be getting a orange star and a bubble nem. my question is for my future stock list of fish--which of these are known for having dinner on my inverts or the ones i plan on having. the list contains
devil lionfish-i know he will eat the shrimp, what about the hermits/star?
lunar wrasse- ive read wrasse eat inverts. what inverts?
porciepine puffer- ive read puffers like inverts with shells for there teeth, will he go after the hermits?
copperband butterfly- again butterflys eat inverts, how about the ones i have?
this of course is my way of seeing your opinions, i have done some research but i figure your first hand experiance is far better information. thanks in advance, this will save me lots of money


Active Member
the puffer and especially the lunare wrasse will easily eat shrimp, crabs and snails. I'm not sure about lionfish but my guess is if they can get them out the shell they will. I know the puffer and lunar will have no problem. copperband wont eat inverts that size. I wouldn't put a copperband with a lunare wrasse.


I had a Copperband and to be honest, the only inverts I ever saw it eat were Aiptasia when I had an infestation (killed all of them if you can believe it) and little tube/fan worms. I had a ton of those little worms in the live rock and he feasted on them. He never touched my shrimp, hermit crab, emerald crab, nor my snails. Copperbands will not touch the Echinoid species either (starfish/urchins). They can be finnicky eaters, but my old Copperband loved the Aiptasia in my old tank...
why do you say you wouldnt do a lunar and copperband?
second question now what do you use for a clean up crew if the puffer and lunar will eat them? let me guess me and a vaccum!!


Originally Posted by gravismaximus
why do you say you wouldnt do a lunar and copperband?
second question now what do you use for a clean up crew if the puffer and lunar will eat them? let me guess me and a vaccum!!

Lunar wrasse are very aggressive and copperbands are timid. Having a lunar and a puffer means you are the clean up crew.
so are we talking about the lunar attacking the copperband? or just swimming around him fast stressing him out? if its the second ill just tell him to grow a pair


Active Member
lunar wrasses get large 10"+, and are extremely fast and aggressive fish capable of tormenting nearly any fish. Certainly not a fish to have a copperband with, or a cleanup crew, or anything else smaller than it.
Lunar's and other thalossoma (spelling) wrasses are some of the most colorful and active fish, but can be problematic. I had a 5" paddlefin torment a 10" scorpion fish that could have easily eaten him if he could catch him (and he tried) I ended up removing the wrasse (anyone who has tried to net one of these knows how much fun it is). I don't think I would put keep another one of these again.