Who Works at a Petshop?


Active Member
Now and then I work at an LFS...Aquarium World in Houston...Used to work full time but have scaled back a lot.
I do too, I work for a pet shop called the Pet Ark. Here in Lincoln, NE . I work it part time now . I'm one of the salt water and reptile guys. LOL it is like being at home , Cleans the tanks or cleaning and feeding the snakes. I guess the main reason is that i get most items at wholesale. Which is always a bonus with salt water :)


New Member
I Used to Manage a Aquatic only group of stores in Quebec,Canada for 12 years,the name is Aqua-Tropical.Now for the past eight years i have been a sales representative and buyer for a large company supplying the pet industry with specialized products.
And of Course i still have my Reefs(2)Reptiles, birds,dog,oh yeah forgot kids....LoL


I used to work at a petshop in Austin. Even though I don't work there anymore, I still get wholesale prices on everything because now I'm good friends with one of the guys there.
I work at a pet shop - mostly for fun, since im only 14. i get paid by getting food for my animals, since they dont sell SW stuff there. I will be getting really hired and getting paid in a few months when i have more time to wrok there, when soccer is over with for this year..
see my new baby iguana? i got him today!
I just recently got a job at my lfs and haven't started yet... my only problem that I foresee is feeding the snake... *shudder* :eek:


Active Member
Been working at a pet store for almost a year now. Pet Dept. Starting working there when I was 14 and I love working there because I get %50 off all saltwater stuff.:D


Active Member
I help out at the LFS whenever they have sales, or are really busy. I don't get paid, but the owner and I are freinds, and he pretty much gives me whatever I need. I work the salt dept., and the wife helps with the reptiles.


schweetpup - nice Iggy -- I had one for over 5 years. GREAT pet -- try to acclimate him/her to people early, it will get used to you and be a super cool companion. Keep the diet varied also - lots of different veggies.
Eventually you will need a huge cage...