who would win in a fight.....underlated trigger vs. clown trigger


This is more of a fun topic since ive owned both of these fish and both are pretty mean. Which side would you pic clown vs underlated who would win?


Active Member
i wouldnt want to see them fight... but i would choose the clown trigger only because of its amazing coloration.


i've seen a clown in the jaws of an undulated...no contest. they thought they'd be OK at the LFS...wrong!


Active Member
this is kind of silly. the one that wins the fight would win. It already known undulated are more aggressive (clowns sometime even manage to coexist considerable time with other tank mates without destroying them). But still your talking about two fish with shell crushing teeth. anybody can win depending on individual fish.


Active Member
undulated, we have had both in the same tank, they got along well for some reason but every once in a while we would give them goldfish, and not those tiny feeders, the bigger two three inch ones. The undulated was about two inches and the clown trigger was about 6 inches, when the goldfish hit the water, the clown didnt seem to notice right away, but the undulated when right after them and went for the eyes first, the when the eyes were plucked out of its head, it would finish the fish off. The clown seemed to be less gory about it.
Heres a good one, what would win, a beta fish or a goldfish(both the same size)

noah's nemo

What would win a Black Rhombeus or an oscar,or a pacu or a red bellied piranha...lol...
I belong to a piranha forum and these silly questions always come up.All i know is a black will not co-exist with anything!!Mine tries to eat my hand thru the glass,Reds can live in schools....
To address the original silly question,who knows ,i have a clown trigg and so far he is a modeled citizen...Never had an undy or even knew anyone who did.I do hear they are the nastiest of the nasty though....It seems like CT's do fine for awhile and something just triggers(no pun intended) them to snap,hope mine does'nt ,i love that fish and his tankmates