Whoa, this was WERID, but funny


Active Member
So today i get home around 3:30...and i notice my tank is rather cloudy (normally its so clear it looks like my fish are floating in air) ...anyways of course i freak out...then i remember i dosed this morning with purple up...thinking it was still cloudy from that i didn't pay much attention...so i came back home at around 8 tonight..and my tank was still cloudy..so i started to look into the matter further, i come to notice a orange spotted goby in my refigum digging up all of my mud...made me laugh because i hadn't seen him in 3 months....so bonus is he is alive...bummer is he tore up my fuge...but everything is good now... the tank is almost clear again and its only been 3 hours...so hopefully it will continue to keep improving.
thought you guys might laugh or have a story to share as well!