Whole tank fish+ shrimp died in 24 hr


New Member
Nitrite 0
nitrate 20
amonia 0
salt to 1.022
ph 8.2
temp in range
125 gallon tank 1 1/2 years old
last fish introduced picturesque dragonet 1 month ago
1 week ago red and green miro alge plant introduced
Nobody looked sick yesterday saw a blackfin dartfish with mouth open like a tube
everybody ate in AM at PM feeding nobody wanted to eat.
The only thing that was new frozen food pack used that moring.
4 chromis green
2 royal gramas
3 blackfin dartfish
2 black yellow tail damsel
1 blue yellow tai1 damsel
2 royal gramas
2 black peculas
2 purple dartfish
2 fire dartfish
1 picturesque dragonet
1 goldline
1 blue asesor
1 "candy cane gobie
1 zebera dartfish
2 PJ cadinal
4 shrimp
all fish started to breath heavy
and they would sink to the botton and die they started to look like if they had a white film
could it be Brooklynella does it happen that quick?
corals look good so far
Besides a water change should I do something else?
Can fish get disease from plants?


you have 28 fish and 4 shrimp in a 125 gallon tank.. too much IMO. also what kind of filtration, i doubt the fish died from the plants

the reef

Originally Posted by mri17
Nitrite 0
nitrate 20
amonia 0
salt to 1.022
ph 8.2
temp in range
125 gallon tank 1 1/2 years old
last fish introduced picturesque dragonet 1 month ago
1 week ago red and green miro alge plant introduced
Nobody looked sick yesterday saw a blackfin dartfish with mouth open like a tube
everybody ate in AM at PM feeding nobody wanted to eat.
The only thing that was new frozen food pack used that moring.
4 chromis green
2 royal gramas
3 blackfin dartfish
2 black yellow tail damsel
1 blue yellow tai1 damsel
2 royal gramas
2 black peculas
2 purple dartfish
2 fire dartfish
1 picturesque dragonet
1 goldline
1 blue asesor
1 "candy cane gobie
1 zebera dartfish
2 PJ cadinal
4 shrimp
all fish started to breath heavy
and they would sink to the botton and die they started to look like if they had a white film
could it be Brooklynella does it happen that quick?
corals look good so far
Besides a water change should I do something else?
Can fish get disease from plants?
sounds like not enough oxygen did you turn the lights to a minumum that could have an affect did the ph drop just a little as well
if you tried to turn the lights off for longer to deal with the algea bloom the lights can consume the co2 maybe if you had lights on for not as long caused a build up of co2 and with that many fish in the tank not enough oxygen fast enough can kill them.
I only say loss of oxygen cuz you say all other perameters check good then your fish were breathing heavy.


I had the exact same thing happen to my tank a few months back. I lost it all. I had the same kind of experience. I did nothing abnormal to the tank nor added anything new. All my fish were suddenly gasping for air and trying to swim to the top. I did everything I could but lost them all in 24 hours and lost my corals a few days later. My ph and everything was right around normal. I feel for you though. I'm just now cycling the tank again to start over. Good luck to you.


Staff member
Can't see a disease that would kill that fast occurring since the last fish you added a month ago. Is it possible that the food was contaminated?
What kind of circulation do you have in the tank?


Active Member
Also ANYTHING that could have gotten in the tank...any cleaners, painting, etc anywhere near the tank? Anything on your hands, etc? Any recent water changes or top offs, etc? Gonna need to really think hard on this one (including if you have any kids who may have put something in there).

the reef

Originally Posted by Beth
Can't see a disease that would kill that fast occurring since the last fish you added a month ago. Is it possible that the food was contaminated?
What kind of circulation do you have in the tank?
I belive he lowered his lighting down and the exess co2 build up made it hard for them to breath same thing happened to me to deal with hair algea in my trigger tank and my fish were breathing heavy then I added an air pump then within a few hours they were breathing normal and swimming normal