Whole Tank Pictures

rabid frog

Active Member
Here is my 75 and my refuguim and the Nano
The 75

Refuguim. Not a lot of Macro becuase it is hard for me to get here for some reason

Here is our Nano


120gal Mixed Reef - Old 10,000K Bulbs, I now have 20,000K Bulbs and have not taken pics yet
Full Tank

Center of Tank



hey guys i was just wondering how many pounds of LR do you need to make the tank look nice but not so much so there is no swimming room


Originally Posted by fatcats
hey guys i was just wondering how many pounds of LR do you need to make the tank look nice but not so much so there is no swimming room
Depends on the size of the tank...
Nice Pics Everyone



Originally Posted by fatcats
hey guys i was just wondering how many pounds of LR do you need to make the tank look nice but not so much so there is no swimming room
I have about 250lbs. in the 120 but that is because everything is big and dense. I still have atleast half of the width for swimming space and a little less on the sides and a little more in the center.


Active Member
210 with 20 gallon fuge - and to answer your question, my tank, as you can see, is half way filled with rock. That is 270 lbs. of live rock.
By the way, beautful tanks to everyone who posted.



Active Member
hey lion, nice to finally see your tank!
the batfish is too cool, grats on keeping him.
but my question to you is, if you have a fuge, and no other sump / wet dry, then isnt the fuge supposed to be nearly half the gallons of your display?


Active Member
heres my new 150g
crappy cell phone pic.
i have since added corals and anenomes and more fish.
there are seven fish in the tank during this pic believe it or not lol



Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
hey lion, nice to finally see your tank!
the batfish is too cool, grats on keeping him.
but my question to you is, if you have a fuge, and no other sump / wet dry, then isnt the fuge supposed to be nearly half the gallons of your display?
Hey, thank you very much! And you have a very nice looking tank as well. You will have to post more recent pics when you have access to a dig. camera as well. I would be interested in seeing it.
To answer your question, that fuge is outside my tank, right next to my 210. I actually have a 30 gallon sump as well, in addition to the 20 gallon refuge. In my sump is where my skimmer and heater is. I just love looking at my fuge and all the stuff growing and living in it so I decided to put it outside the tank so that it was easier to view.