

Active Member
When I ordered mine from here it arrived the next day. Since it's Sunday, it should be Tuesaday or Wednesday. You can always check the order statusarea on the menu on the side. Where are you by the way?


Active Member
For a 90 gal tank, you should have at least 90 lbs of rock. I would go get some base rock while you are waiting for your LR, that way you can have the base rock already in your tank and then put your LR on top of it. It will eventually become live, and you will be set. You could also add a raw cocktail shrimp to hasten your cycle, between that and my live rock my tank was cycled in 10 days. By christmas you could have some fish and some easy corals to show off to your family


My rock from SWF should be here tomorrow. I hate how fedex works. I live in Savannah, GA. SWF is is about 5 hours south of here. The rock went all the way up to Atlanta which is 5 hours north west of here. And then, they'll put it on another truck and bring it all the way back down here. It's like going to mexico via canada.
My next question is, what is Base Rock?


Originally Posted by Rykna
Tank is brand spanking new. What type of filters do you have?????
It will take at least 2 months to cycle. What are your current plans for the tank????
Your water will continue to be off the chart for at least week. I would recomend putting active carbon in your filtration, and doing 10% water changes every couple days.
Salt water takes a lot more time to cycle than fresh water. Live rock is the next step.
So fill us in on the game plan

Why would you do a water change in the middle of a cycle? that would just delay the cycling process


I'd skip the damsel too. It'll get mean, you'll want to get rid of it, then you'll have to tear down your tank and all your rock to catch it.


I would have to agree with the water changes its a waste of time during the cycle.
water chagnes are meant to export stuff out of the tank if you do water changes during the cycle it will slow the process. The only reason people suggest water changes during the cycle is if there are fish in the tank that can die from the ammonia so it gives them a chance.
I would also skip the damsel if you have to have one add it towards the end of your stocking list they can get very terriotial when added first.


I got you. So...no water change until the tank is cycled. NO damsels. I'm down with that too. I'm sitting here (sick) waiting for my rock to show up. Once it does, we'll see how it looks and I may get another 45lbs. I'll go to the store and get one shrimp to dump in too to see if we can get things rolling. With the live sand alone, I've already got ammonia building. It's only .5, but it's a start. Again...what is base rock?


Active Member
Base rock is just rock with no living bacteria in it. Usually your LFS will have it in bins or something, out of the water.


Active Member
I got 50 lbs of base rock, holey texas rock at a quarry, only paid 2 cents a lb for it. I cleaned it up real good, used it to make a base for my LR. and now its LR, you can't tell the difference now, it all looks great.


Alright, I have 80lbs of rock in. It looks PREETTY. I read something in here about using 1 cocktail shrimp to help cycle. I've threw one of those in there for good measure. Do I bury it or just let it sit on top of the sand?


Active Member
You'll need a raw one for sure.
The fun part is when your at the grocery store to buy one single shrimp. I had 2 people ask me why I was buying only one. The look on peoples faces when you tell them it is to jump start the nitrogen cycle for a saltwater tank is priceless!!!


Active Member
I still buy one or 2 raw shrimp occasionally to feed to my fish, at least now the butcher knows its for my tank, not me
He doesn't even charge me cause it doesn't register on his scale.


Yeah, the store hooked me up on the cooked one and gave it to me free. I'm hoping they do the same for me today when I ask for a raw one. I can just toss it in, right, I don't need to cover it up with sand?


Active Member
just a little advice, put it into a nylong bag or keep it in your net otherwise getting it out will be an experience you won't like much.