who's gonna stir up my sand?



Hello there...I recently converted my 15 gallon eclipse to a DSB from CC. I added 5 lbs of live sand to 20 lbs of Coralife reef aragonite. I put 5 small hermits in there to. My question is, what kind of inverts would be great for really moving the sand around? What would be some good inverts with my 3 perc. clowns?


sand shifting stars, cucumbers,narcissious snails, some gobies (my watchman does), other fish bury themselves at night so that keeps it stired up. you got to look those up dont know which off hand.


On your 15 gallon eclipse did you leave your bio wheel on.What are your nitrate levels?My nitrates won't go lower than 20.I do water changes every week.I have reduced feeding.I just also recently added ls to my eclipse,but I had a glass bottom no
s or cc.The reason I am asking about your bio wheel and trates is because I am thinking of removing the wheel,But the tank is so clear I really am trying to research this before I do it.I have read about many people talking about bio wheels producing nitrate.


Active Member
Do not put sand sifting stars or sand sifting gobies in a DSB. hermits, cucs or nassarious snails are the best.


Yeah, I left the bio-wheel on. My nitrates are less than 5. I also do weekly changes of about 5 gallons...How are sea Urchins? Do I need to add any spplements for inverts?


Sea urchins will move all your rocks they wedge in between them and cause them to fall.You will need to add some kind of supplements,but you need to make sure you check your levels before adding to make sure you don't overdose.There have been arguments that if you do frequent water changes you do not have to add supplements because you replace the trace elements with the water changes.