Who's had experience with cowfish?


I am wanting to surprise my hubby after we set up our nano tank, I am thinking about getting him a cowfish. Our tank is only about 10g & I was going to buy this 1" cowfish that's been at the LFS for a while. The hubby's loves the little cutie.
From what I read, cowfish are passive & can wipe out a tank (from death or stress). I know cowfish get big, but the one we see isn't growing too fast yet. We are planning to get another tank next year when we move out of our apt in the Spring. How long will a 10g keep a cowfish happy? If someone could advise at what SIZE we should move him out of the 10g, I'd appreciate it! Remember, it's about 1" now.
One last note, most likely he'll be the only fish in there...unless someone tells me that it'll be okay to throw in a peppermint shrimp, goby or something. I am aware that cowfish need plenty of space, so let me know if it'll be okay to add something small..


Active Member
Originally Posted by boohbahbah
I am wanting to surprise my hubby after we set up our nano tank, I am thinking about getting him a cowfish. Our tank is only about 10g & I was going to buy this 1" cowfish that's been at the LFS for a while. The hubby's loves the little cutie.
From what I read, cowfish are passive & can wipe out a tank (from death or stress). I know cowfish get big, but the one we see isn't growing too fast yet. We are planning to get another tank next year when we move out of our apt in the Spring. How long will a 10g keep a cowfish happy? If someone could advise at what SIZE we should move him out of the 10g, I'd appreciate it! Remember, it's about 1" now.
One last note, most likely he'll be the only fish in there...unless someone tells me that it'll be okay to throw in a peppermint shrimp, goby or something. I am aware that cowfish need plenty of space, so let me know if it'll be okay to add something small..
I'm guessing this is a longhorn cowfish, they're the most common. I had one for several years and it was a favorite. However, these are very difficult fish, even under ideal circumstances. Unless you have plans to definitely upgrade (an adult should have 120 gal, min--IMO) soon, I wouldn't try to keep one in a 10 gal tank, even overnight. Tight quarters=stress= cowfish toxin. These fish can easily reach 18" or more and even a baby shouldn't be in tank that small, IMO.


Thanks for the input! I've been doing research and my hubby was guessing that I am getting him the cowfish for xmas (since he sees I am setting the tank up). I told him that there's no way we can have a cowfish and told him all the info about them, like its stress, space demands, etc. He's a little upset about it, but heck it's something for him to work on next year, if he wants one that bad. :)
Currently waiting for some equipment to arrive in the mail for the tank...so trying to brain storm on what to stock the tank with!
Are there any smaller fish someone can recommend? I was thinking maybe a mandarin goby, a couple of shrimps of some kind? I read that gobies need copepods...is this stuff easily accessible? also, I read they need 33g minimum, true? He was impressed with the mandarin because of its colors. is there any similar that can fit in a small tank and be comfy?


Red spotted hawk fish have quite a personality, and voyeuristic ten-dances. Blennies. Bi colors look like they are on fire.
Also not all gobies require pods try checking out fire fish gobies since they look odd and beautiful but like to hang out in the tank and not hide a great deal, and jawfish (jawfish love to dig under live rock).
if your not set on fish. There are many crustaceans that are a pleasure to watch and do so many entertaining things. At most they require regular feedings and some iodine to aid in molting.


These are our candidates:
Wheeler's Watchman Goby
Green Clown Goby
Yellowhead Jawfish
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
I would like to throw in some sort of crustaceans, haven't decided yet! Going to the LFS on saturday to see if they have our choices & hold any if they do.. They've raised prices though, which is a bit of a put off. They're the closest & least annoying LFS we've encountered so far!

Started cycling the tank today, with water from our main tank. Threw in 20lbs of live sand and a live rock as well. Is the wait time for cycling like this much shorter? The LFS told us a few days if we're using water from the established tank. Is this true?