Do you have a carnivorous star? If so, that could be the reason. My chocolate chip star started to eat my snails so I sold to my LFS. Also Turbo Snails have the tendency to fall down and not able to right themselves. This leaves them as fair game for anything that hungry.
What else do you have in your aquarium? Its possible that you have a predator among your snails that you are not aware of....provide all the info you can think of on your system and the creatures you have in it.
30g hex
amm o
No2 0
N03 10
ph 8.2
Temp 75
sal 1.022
4'' dsb
30lbs lr
2 cleaner shrimp
2 firefish
a couple bristleworms, could be more.
2 baby brittle stars , hichhikers that ophiura said were probably harmless.
Mostly Fiji, I was thinking I could have a mantis but I have never seen nor heard one. I check out the nocturnal creatures quite often and the bristles and brittlestars are all I have ever seem. It's a mystery.