Who's messing with my Gramma?


My Royal Gramma has been in the tank probably 3 months. Within a week after moving him from the Q-tank to the main tank I noticed that something was nipping at this fins. By the end of a month he had no tail fin and his other fins were showing significant signs of being nipped. He eats well and is still surprisingly swift even without the fins. I see no other body damage, although he does appear too thin. I have not seen any other tank inhabitant bother him.
The only fish in the tank when I introduced him was an aquacultured Percula clown. I just introduced a small blue hippo tang over the weekend, but the damage occurred long before this. These are the only three fish in the tank.
Other inhabitants are:
1 coral banded shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
about 6-8 blue hermits
about 10 - 12 scarlet hermits
2 Brittle stars
a few nassarius (sp?) snails
a few astrea snails
3 mexican turbo snails
1 feather duster
yellow polyps
star polyps
So, who is eating his fins? Just as important, any suggestions on what to do? I am afraid that this could lead to infection. Thoughts??


Active Member
You could be dealing with a bacterial infection, causing fin erosion. Nothing on your stock list is a likely suspect. The fact that you mention the fish is thin indicates a potential internal problem causing it to lose weight. If possible, remove the fish back to the quarantine tank and treat with antibiotics. Reduce the salinity to 14 ppt over 2-3 days, allowing the fish to expend less energy. What are the water parameters in your display tank?
Side note; Scouting eh?
Me too. Cubmaster, assistant Troop leader, oldest son is Eagle, (also OA). Middle is first class, and youngest is a Wolf scout in the Cub Pack.
Lots of fun.:)


I have a perc. clown that 'shreds' other fish, but I agree with nicytry....I had a tang that lost weight and had what LOOKED like fin rot....didn't have a qt tank, fs put them in there's for me...but he ended up dying....got ulcers on him too. Said it was bacterial. I am betting on nicetry's advice as being good advice. If it gets better and goes back into your main tank and the fins get shredded again...watch the clown and see. Good luck.


Thanks for the feedback. I had not considered a bacterial infection, but had thought that the perc could be the culprit (although I have never observed any problems). Would a bacterial infection be possible given so much time? He has had this fin problem for 3 months now. Would an infection not have killed him by now if that is what it was?
BTW, yes, nicetry, I am very involved in Scouting. Have been involved 30+ years. Eagle Scout, 11 years camp staff, 2 term OA lodge chief, OA lodge adviser now, etc. Keeps me busy!