Whose able to get into their outdoor gardens?

scopus tang

Active Member
Ok, I saw in the hobby thread that many of you are outdoor gardeners in addition to SW enthusiasts. I'm not able to do anything in my gardens yet, as its still too cold. I did clean out two of my beds yesterday, and I see that my daffodils and crocus are just starting to surface. In the meantime, I have to be content with my indoor gardens; Orchids in addition to my tanks. Just curious as to how the rest of you are doing? Feel free to share pictures ~ I love to see what others have going. Here's a few of my indoor garden just to get things going.

scopus tang

Active Member
Oh come on Pleeeeease! Surely somebody has something growing. California? Florida? Woke up again this morning to more snow ~ Ground is white! We've had snow and lously weather solid since September, usually we get a nice weather break in there somewhere, but not this year. Snow, snow and more snow ARRRRRG! Help?!


Active Member
Hehe does weeds count? I have absolutely no time right now to work in my garden, especially with 2 2yr old toddlers running around :)
I do admire nice gardens though.
Your orchids are BEAUTIFUL! That is a talent in itself!


I think I "over do" plants. The only thing I could keep alive is a fern. I mist it every day and even take it into the bathroom when I shower. Prune, about every day.
I think I overwater, over prune, etc...
Beautiful flowers though. People like you make THAT hobby look easy.


Active Member
I took this of the morning glorys the other day. I only have one orchid in bloom, need to snap a picture. My nuns orchid has two lrg buds and the crepe myrtles are starting to bud up. Not much else in bloom yet

scopus tang

Active Member
Hehe does weeds count? I have absolutely no time right now to work in my garden, especially with 2 2yr old toddlers running around :)
I do admire nice gardens though.
Your orchids are BEAUTIFUL! That is a talent in itself!
Of course! Some "weeds" actually make very cool flowers ~ under the right conditions of course! I remember what is was like when the kids were little ~ thats been a day or two ago however, look forward to grandkids at this point. You get to spoil them, then let their parents deal with it
. Thanks, only have a few blooming right now; find them to be challenging, but once you understand them (like SW tanks), they are really not as hard as some think! Something in me just requires green and growing things.
I think I "over do" plants. The only thing I could keep alive is a fern. I mist it every day and even take it into the bathroom when I shower. Prune, about every day.
I think I overwater, over prune, etc...
Beautiful flowers though. People like you make THAT hobby look easy.
Ferns are cool! personally I have trouble keeping them alive ~ too dang dry in my house with the coal stove. Back when all the kids were home, we could keep one alive in their bathroom ~ now its just looks scraggly, sad and abandoned. Thank you, but as I said above, like SW once you overcome some of the common misconceptions about Orchids they aren't really that difficult. Of course, these are the only five of the 50 some plants that I have that are currently in bloom.
I took this of the morning glorys the other day. I only have one orchid in bloom, need to snap a picture. My nuns orchid has two lrg buds and the crepe myrtles are starting to bud up. Not much else in bloom yet
Aaaah! Thank you sooo much! Renews my faith in spring. Please share the picture of the orchid ~ love to see what others are growing. I just got a nuns last fall (friend from Indiana sent it to me), its not doing great ~ can't figure out if I'm keeping it too wet, or too dry, or just too much sun. Its got about five new starts growing great guns, but all the original leaves have holes in them, the ends have turned black and they are dieing back. Course it spent an extra week in the post office (long story), so that might have something to do with it. Would love to see pictures of it when it opens as well. Not familiar with crepe myrtles, what are they?
Thank you all so much ~ I love green and growing! Anyone else care to share?


Still too cold to do any work outside.Evry now and then if it warms a bit I clean out the flower beds of all the leaves.I do have some crocus and daffodils coming up.The tulips should be up soon!Last year I really wanted a lot of flowers but didn't have a lot of bulbs in the ground.So in the fall we went out a purchased about 700 bulbs!Now we'll have some flowers!Also last week I started seeds inside.I now have morning glory,nasturtium and mmonflower growing in trays.The morning glory took about 7 days to grow 2 leaves.The moonflower is going on day 12?,now showing signs of a leaf.Nasturtium also now starting to punch through.Yeah!Can't wait for warm weather.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nel621
Still too cold to do any work outside.Evry now and then if it warms a bit I clean out the flower beds of all the leaves.I do have some crocus and daffodils coming up.The tulips should be up soon!Last year I really wanted a lot of flowers but didn't have a lot of bulbs in the ground.So in the fall we went out a purchased about 700 bulbs!Now we'll have some flowers!Also last week I started seeds inside.I now have morning glory,nasturtium and mmonflower growing in trays.The morning glory took about 7 days to grow 2 leaves.The moonflower is going on day 12?,now showing signs of a leaf.Nasturtium also now starting to punch through.Yeah!Can't wait for warm weather.
Wow, my wife thought I was crazy when I went out and bought 3 bags of 30, and once I'd finished planting them, I was sure I was ~ can't even begin to imagine planting 700!
I got a few pictures of my crocus yesterday, but didn't get em posted (they weren't quite open). Man did they jump after that last snow storm. Should maybe have pictures of them opened all the way up by tomorrow, we'll see. They're predicting 60s and 70s here for the next few days ~ man I can't wait!


Active Member
Nice orchids

That's my wifes favorite, she is the gardener at are house and has tried for several years to grow orchids and so far has keep them alive but once the blooms drop off they don't bloom again. We built a green house a few years back and last weekend we got all the plants out on the deck, I'll have to try and get some pics when I get home, I like all the plants but always too busy with other hobbies to have time for it myself.


Active Member
That's crazy, I had the boat out last weekend, was 75 degrees,

But we have had rain and major flooding and tornadoes the last month.


My crocus bloomed this past week, but no pics. I have a few dafodils(sp) about to bloom, along with some tulips poping up! Can't wait for May so everything will really be growing!

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by ameno
Nice orchids

That's my wifes favorite, she is the gardener at are house and has tried for several years to grow orchids and so far has keep them alive but once the blooms drop off they don't bloom again. We built a green house a few years back and last weekend we got all the plants out on the deck, I'll have to try and get some pics when I get home, I like all the plants but always too busy with other hobbies to have time for it myself.
Thanks. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I've had a love-hate relationship going with them for years. I love them, and they and my pocketbook hate me. Getting some to bloom can be tricky, and then sometimes you don't even know what you are doing right, and they just won't quite blooming! The top one pictured (the Phaleaenopsis or moth orchid) has been in bloom for over a year now, and has 4 new buds set on it. The last one (the Dendrobium) has been in full bloom like that for almost 6 months. I would love to have a green house, but thats another one of those things I can't afford just yet.
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
ha ha ha this is a picture from about an hour ago of my patio

I feel for you Crash, I know exactly how you feel!
Originally Posted by regina13
My crocus bloomed this past week, but no pics. I have a few dafodils(sp) about to bloom, along with some tulips poping up! Can't wait for May so everything will really be growing!

Originally Posted by Bronco300

scopus, are those the toad lily flowers or whatever the name is, toad something

Originally Posted by TeresaQ

not scopus, but orchids and lady slipper.

Nope Bronco, Teresa is right, they are all orchids, no lilies. As for what the fourth one is, if memory serves, its a hybrid ~ I'll have to look later at the exact cross. BTW TeresaQ were is the picture of yours?

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a link to a thread I made that has TONS of pictures of plants and flowers.