Why Are All My New Fish Dying?


For the past 2 months every fish I've put into my tank has died, even though my levels are perfect, everything at zero, its a 10 gallon nano and my clownfish lives happily in it. I don't understand, my last fish looked quite healthy when I got it, a jawfish, I acclimated him as this site said and put him in and he frolicked for a few days and was pleased. Recently I got some Vibex snails, the black ones, off of the popular auction site and also I got some mangroves. Why are my fish dying when everything is at zero?? I'm a teen on a budget and I can't be spending 20 dollars on freaking dying fish!!


please post your levels. everything is NOT supposed to be at 0 .. what was the fish that died ? what kind of filtration system do you have ?


Staff member
What happens just before they die? Could it be that the clownfish doesn't want company?


Well I have about 12 pounds LR and 20 LS, umm levels
Nitrate- 0
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- less than 10, its really low
pH- 7.9
I don't usually test for alkalinity and calcium because I have no corals
My clownfish is quite territorial, I was thinking another perc since she had a mate before, just gotta get it real small for her.....
and they seem fine right before they die, I mean my jawfish like 2 days ago was acting a bit funny, but the next day he was back to normal, maybe my clown is decieving me?


Staff member
I think it may just be aggression, and getting a small clownfish will probably end up in its death.


nitrite 10 is not low IMO , your pH is also very low .. just my opinion .. those parameters AREN'T perfect.


Active Member
I reckon he meant nitrate is 10 and nitrite is 0. But your pH is low...and alkalinity should be tested REGARDLESS of having corals. THat may be a reason your pH is low, and it may drop lower with other fish.
Do you have surface aggitation in the tank?
But I would agree that getting more than a clown in a 10g tank might be asking too much as well.


Well yeah my alk. seemed to be okay according to the strip I used (should I keep using those or not?) cause my LFS uses liquid stuff and they actually know what they are doing. Well I took your advice and I got a nice new clownfish, its very healthy as of right now and I hope it stays that way
. Thanks for your guys' help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I think it may just be aggression, and getting a small clownfish will probably end up in its death.

:notsure: Don't think there was a recommendation to try another? Hope it works out though...


Active Member
well the jawfish probably died because of stress like beth said. Jawfish should be the first fish in the tank to make sure they are not stressed while they create their hole/burrow. Your sand bed should be at the very minimum 4 inches i suggest something more like 6 inches+ cause the jawfish holes in the wild have been recorded at more than 14 inches. but i believe the average is 6-9 inches.


oh nono, I gave the other clownfish to my brother, who also has a tank. She seems to be fine there and is getting along with the other fish. My tank now only houses one Tomato clown, if he gets too big I shall upgrade :). And yeah my sandbed is only about 4-5 inches, are there any small gobies I could get? Or maybe like one firefish or 2 small gobies?