Why are my astrea snails all at the top of my tank?


New Member
Since we put our astrea snails in the tank last friday, most of them have migrated to the top of the tank and don't seem to move down. Should I move them to different parts of the glass or to the rock? :notsure:

bang guy

Is it possible that there's a low oxygen situation in the tank? Is the skimmer working well, lots of waterflow, etc.


New Member
Yes, they are turbo astrea snails. I think we have enough waterflow and oxygen. We have 2 powerheads plus a nautilus te skimmer in addition to the filter that seems to be working fine. I will post water levels later this evening. I have 2 naughty boys and it will be impossible for me to test the water while I am home alone with them.


Active Member
mine do that from time to time (halfway out the water) but always come back down and on the rocks. I've had my few for over a yr. I have 19x turnover not including return and skimmer pumps or sump powerhead and plenty of surface agitation. Dont know why they do it


Active Member
Mine do it from time to time also, I assumed they are just doing their job and cleaning my tank. They always return to the rocks and sand. The other day I had one all over my powerhead, I didn't think he could get off because of how he was postioned, but he found a way. That sounds weird but true

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Mine do it from time to time also, I assumed they are just doing their job and cleaning my tank. They always return to the rocks and sand. The other day I had one all over my powerhead, I didn't think he could get off because of how he was postioned, but he found a way. That sounds weird but true
one of my snails pretty much hosts my powerhead...maybe theyre in love???
as for the snails being at the top, id say thats normal...maybe urs just really like ur lights?? and feel they should blind themselves.. :thinking: