why are my clowns act like this ?


I have 25 g,
sg : 1025
pH 8.05
Temp: 80F
Ammonia-nitrite = 0
may be nitrate I dont have test now..but it doesnt matter actually they act always like this from the time they're in my tank...
I had them like 6months ago,
i did acclimation with dripping method for an hour..
but once they are in my tank they started to swing up and down like belly dancing and vertically...
It's been a week after adding that they start to act normally but most of their time since then they get to the corner of the tank.. and swing like unconsicously ..
When it's lunch time they swim and seem ok.. but they seem a little dumb though.....
I dont know why are they acting like that, my damsels are quite fine..
Did they have permanent brain damage when they are first introduced to my tank ?


You don't like the clownfish dance? They're pairing up or at least trying to. Big one is turning into the female so hopefully there will be eggs in the future.


I dont know, I think they would swim more freely and wander around the rock the tank... But they get into corner (sometimes seperate corners of the tank) and hang there for hours...
And sometimes I see one of them cracking like shocked by electricity... I can describe it like it's like epilepsy patient trembling hardly... I dont think this is mating or pairing, but as I said.. I really dont know what that is...


Sounds like normal behavior. Try reading some of posts on the clownfish forum. Could alwats pick up that famous book by Joyce D. Wilkerson.
Mine does the same thing, stays near the corner of the tank and just swims in the current all day. When it is feeding he ventures out and he also sleeps like he is dead at the top of the tank. I guess that is what you get with captive raised..


well as long as there eating, my clown just hangs in his corner most the time and very rarely swims around or threw the rockwork. but when its feeding time she gets that shake like your talking about, looks like its having seizure


Active Member
My false perc had me concerned because it did that, as well. I was sure that it was dying. Well, three months later it is still doing that funny dance. I know exactly what you're talking about and it is completely normal.


If you engage your imagination, their "striptease" could be entertaining. Depends on your imagination!