Why are my fish not swimming?



I have an 80 gal. tank that has been going for a year now. I have 4 clownfish (put them in all at once, so they get along fine), 1 diamond goby, 1 psudochromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue tang & some coral. Water tests are good...ph 8.1, amonia 0, nitite 0, nitrate 15, salinity 1.022. A couple of weeks ago I added an algea blenny, which died in the first 2 days and a tube anenome. The blenny looked fine but didn't swim around AT ALL. Now the problem is one of my clownfish and the blue tang are now NOT SWIMMING AT ALL, and they seem to have a light coating on them. The clownfish's skin looked almost transparent for a while (I first thought he was getting stung by the anemone) I took them out of my tank and put them in a temporaty isolation tank. The tube anenome was covered in slime and black gunk when I got him but I was able to get most of it off before putting him in my tank, could that be part of the problem? Question is, will this spread or did I get them out in time? Please help !


Active Member
Invertebrates rarely spread diseases to fish. I believe that your disease actually came from the algae blenny. (This is a good time to plead with you to get a quarantine tank).
I also would wonder whether the disease you are describing is clownfish. They are among the easiest fish to diagnose this disease on it as they are particularly susceptible to this. Check out the pictures in the diseased fish sticky at the top of this forum.


I looked but didn't find a disease called "clownfish". What do I treat it with? I started wil some maracyn just in case I could catch it in time. My blue tang died, but the clownfish is still just lying on the bottom, but he did act a little hungry this evening so maybe he's starting to feel a little better.. Any other sugestions? Thanks for the replies.
Also, do you think I may have gotten them out in time or will this continue to spread to my other fish?


Staff member
Take a look at the clownfish with brooklynella in the Diseased Fish Thread. Does that look like your fish's problem?