Why are my yellow polyps turning brown?


Over the past couple of days I've noticed a couple of my polyps turning brown. Any ideas?

Also I brought home a new mushroom rock last night. All were open in the store, but now that I have it here, there's one that is keeping one side shut. Is it just slow to acclimate or could there be a problem with it?



Active Member
The picture I see looks like algae may be growing on your yellow polyps. It is also possible that the change in lighting is causing a pigmentation change in your polyps. This happens frequently with all corals unfortunately.


Active Member
Yellow colony polyps must be fed meaty food like mysis shrimp. What type of lighting do you have? How much flow is on the mushrooms? Is there another coral close by?


I feed the YP mysis shrimp with a turkey baster once or twice a week. The lighting is Biocube 29 stock lighting: 2X36W PC, actinics, and LED moon lights. The shrooms are out of direct flow and the closest thing to them is a Ricordea that sits about 3 or 4 inches away from it.


Active Member
I was going to say the mushrooms look like they are doing the too much flow cringe, but you said they aren in direct flow. I have noticed that sometimes when I relocate rocks with mushrooms on it if the lighting is lower than where they were some will cringe up and drop off to move, the foot always regrows into another mushroom though.