why are peppermint shrimp so hard to keep alive


Active Member
I have a 29 gallon tank.
I don't have the exact water parameters but they are perfect. Meaning that amonia, nitrates, nitrates are all exactly where they need to be. I have had the tank for about three months with:
yellow Tang (Yes I know he will get too big, but I bought him first with no research. Right now he is only the size of a silver dollar)
maroon clown
Flowerpot coral
Hammer coral
One very large bristle worm I found last night.
I have bought two peppermint shrimps from ***** (only place that has them regularly) I have acclimated them for well over an hour each time and they die within 24 hours. Nothing else I have had has even shown signs of stress. I am confused. Why do I lose only peppermint shrimps. nothing is bothering them, they just die.


Active Member
I don't have the exact water parameters but they are perfect. Meaning that amonia, nitrates, nitrates are all exactly where they need to be.
Now you got me confused..
I don't understand this...If you don't know what they are...How do you know what they are...??


Active Member
I get my LFS to do water tests for me. They have been excellent teachers to me in getting my tank cycled and started. They just show me the numbers but I don't have them in front of me. I do know that nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are not even showing up on the tests. My PH was a little low but not dangerous. I had run out of my buffer, but now I have it back in my canister filter, so I should be okay on PH.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp are veeeeery hardy... something is obviously wrong..
Like squidd said.. if you dont know your water readings are then how could you possibly know that they are correct? :p Test them@once. If you dont have a test kit.. go buy one.. you shoulda gotten one already.
Be sure to check the nitrates correctly.
Also what fish do you have?
Could they be molting? Or are they dead for sure? They are pretty good at hiding...... so it would make sense if you see a molt out in the open and the shrimp stays hidden.


Active Member
I understand about testing immediately, but I am just confused. For example.
My first fish purchase was the yellow tang and peppermint shrimp. Tang is doing excellent two months later, peppermint shrimp dead and half eaten in 24 hours.
Just last night bought new peppermint shrimp. He is stiff, looks dead, gills are not moving like they do when they are alive and bristlestar is coming right now for a snack.


Active Member
Ok regardless of anything.. go buy your own test kit ok.. it's like 20 bucks for a master test kit..
Now.. how long has a pepperming survived in your tank?
Do you acclimate them? If so how do you do it and how long ?


Active Member
If you are sure they dead and it's not the molt then I would consider another source for your shrimp. They are very hardy but can be stressed. Your LFS may not be doing as good a job as acclimating as you are. If they acclimated them poorly and then you get them, they still went through the stress/shock, just not caused by you.
Try them from another source and see if you have the same results. It's very common for them to hide and you not ever see them again. Check after the lights go out with a flashlight and you can sometimes see them in a cave or under some rock. It's also common for them to molt shortly after you get them. Short of that check your calcium and alk levels. If they're out of wack you could be having large changes in ph during the day. Check ph during the day and again several hours after lights out and see how much of a change.
All I can think of at the moment,
Good Luck with it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
I have bought two peppermint shrimps from :scared: *****
(only place that has them regularly) I have acclimated them for well over an hour each time and they die within 24 hours. Nothing else I have had has even shown signs of stress. I am confused. Why do I lose only peppermint shrimps. nothing is bothering them, they just die.
I think I may have some idea what your problem is...


Active Member
The peppermint shrimp always die in plain sight with thier insides in them. I have seen thier shed skins and i know that these are the real dead mccoy.
Anyway, They have never lived for more than 24 hours. I think I will try to get them someplace else.
I acclimate them for an hour.


New Member
I have 4 in my 29 gal. Three females and one male. All my water parameters are in good shape. They keep laying eggs all over the place. When they hatch it looks like a snow storm in there. I agree with everyone above about getting a test kit . I had my water checked once by my lfs and I watched them do it an they were more interested in the cutie customers than what they were doing. I'm not saying the your lfs is doing the same but you can only rely on yourself for the test. Also find another source for your shrimp! Good luck