why are they jerks?


well i am just wondering if any of you out there have the same problem i do?
one of the local fish stores here in nashville i used to frequent when i had my tank running, it is a really nice store but nice in the way of supplies and fish and etc.
my question is if i want to come in there and spend some of my money on a fish or whatever the hell i want, and if i want or need to ask a couple of questions why is it they are such jerks like im taking up too much of there time to service me, the customer
i like this store i hate the people that work . i might not go in there and spend my whole check but when i do get my tank up and going again i will go to them for almost everything i will this time try to get a few things off the net but am kinda leary of doing that.
i am really loving this website and the message boards and i hope that i dont come off as too much of a cry baby but if i want to spend some money at this store then all i ask is just treat me like you would want to be treatedold fashioned i guess but its just the way i was brought up in life
well thank you for letting me rant and moan about not being treated nicely at the lfs where i spend my money. :mad:
{Please be careful with your language. We try to maintain a family-friendly message board here.


Active Member
I have experienced LFS being jerks as well. Don't worry, it's not just you. There are a couple great stores filled with good employees though. You just need to find the right ones.
Welcome to Saltwaterfish.com!!! :happyfish


or ya just gotta have big green eyes and an ample rack to get their attention.
yeah the guys treat me like im two sometimes but finding nice frags is the bonus.


New Member
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. But you live in Nashville which is a decent size city. There must be other fish stores. Take your business there. I have had similar experiences in the past and have gotten rude right back to them and quite loudly too. It has changed their tone pretty quick especially if there are other customers in the store.


Active Member
I can't really say anything.
When I worked at Pet Depot I was a snott to a lot of people who were doing saltwater and doing things wrong that were oh-so-sure they were right.
AKA Yellow Tang buyers with a 25 gallon aquarium


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buffett
well i am just wondering if any of you out there have the same problem i do?
one of the local fish stores here in nashville i used to frequent when i had my tank running, it is a really nice store but nice in the way of supplies and fish and etc.
my question is if i want to come in there and spend some of my money on a fish or whatever the hell i want, and if i want or need to ask a couple of questions why is it they are such jerks like im taking up too much of there time to service me, the customer
i like this store i hate the people that work . i might not go in there and spend my whole check but when i do get my tank up and going again i will go to them for almost everything i will this time try to get a few things off the net but am kinda leary of doing that.
i am really loving this website and the message boards and i hope that i dont come off as too much of a cry baby but if i want to spend some money at this store then all i ask is just treat me like you would want to be treatedold fashioned i guess but its just the way i was brought up in life
well thank you for letting me rant and moan about not being treated nicely at the lfs where i spend my money. :mad:
{Please be careful with your language. We try to maintain a family-friendly message board here.

I know what you mean about the jerks. I found it interesting when I would visit Fish Stores as a Newb and be made to feel like an idiot when I asked questions. I would think that the newb's are the bread and butter of the industry as we all know that the inital setup is the costliest part of the hobby. Unfortunately, regardless of the hobby or industry there are arrogant people out there.
I found an LFS I like and faithfully give them all my business now. They all know me by name and in fact I am going golfing with one of the guys sometime down the road.


As a former pet store employee, its the people who take alot of time but not on things that mattered... like people who liked to BS and chat. that drove me crazy. I personally dont think I was ever rude to any one but there are other people to help and chores to do on a schedule.
It happens to me too though. The girl who had the same job as me on another shift was a total witch to everyone. some how shes my best freind's girl friend.
didnt see that coming!


Active Member
Pretty sure that when your JOB is to WORK at the pet store, you should have to deal with a customer..Choose your profession wisely..Stay in school


Active Member
I worked at an LFS (I won't make any comment about the above statement).
I think you have to understand something about that job. It actually is pretty tough, and you are bombarded each day with the same questions, the same "I want a nemo in this little tank I am buying today." Explaining to people about what to look for in a tank, equipment, etc for an hour and getting "thanks, I'll go by that at Walmart." LOTS of attitude. Lots of "I want these fish for the super bowl and I don't really care if they will be dead in a week."
For me, I couldn't ultimately deal with the ethical dilemma of selling animals (wild caught) for profit to people who wanted decorations. There are times when you just can't deal with knowing yeah, you'll get $50...but that fish will probably be dead in 2 days.
What questions are you asking? How are you asking them? Are you spending a lot of time, asking a lot of questions, and then pulling the "I'll by this at Walmart" line or similar? Do they perceive you as surfing for information from them that you will take to buy elsewhere? Are you challenging their way of doing things?
Maybe they are just jerks, it happens for sure. But sometimes people read a lot into things that are not intended either. People think that most LFS employees are teenage idiots who don't care, and treat them as such (see many threads on these boards describing staff as such). When you are treated that why by people often throughout the day, yeah, it can be tough to smile at the next customer.


Active Member
If the business is tired of answering the same questions over and over, then maybe its time for them to find a new market. Most stores reserve the right to refuse service and feel they control the customers rather than the other way around. Customer service now days has really become almost non existant.
Lots of reasons why they're jerks. Mainly because they are allowed to act this way without consequences. Businesses that act this way often feel that they have a large enough customer base not to give a shite or give you their attention, so they dont have any incentive to be nice, they just want money.
Who is to blame, well really its the customers who continue to patronize these places. If the customers would stop shopping there when treated this way the company would change its tune or simply go under.Next time they treat you leave them a tip and flip a couple of pennies into their reef tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Next time they treat you leave them a tip and flip a couple of pennies into their reef tanks.

Yup, these are the sorts of customers there are...and many do it for fun

Actually it can just be an ugly cycle. You may be seeing the mirror of how YOU are acting.
If you are treated poorly, I agree, don't shop there. But do reflect on how you may behave as well.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Yup, these are the sorts of customers there are...and many do it for fun

Actually it can just be an ugly cycle. You may be seeing the mirror of how YOU are acting.
If you are treated poorly, I agree, don't shop there. But do reflect on how you may behave as well.

***) ***) Right on!


Active Member
The business is there to serve the customers, if they cant do it politely then maybe they should find another market where they can act like jerks in private.


Active Member
The business is there to serve the customers, if they cant do it politely then maybe they should find another market where they can act like jerks in private
So you suggest, after being treated poorly, to take it out on animals in a fish tank? Things that didn't wrong you at all? What's with that? I do question anyone who would think to do something like that just because they weren't treated well.

People are not obligated to be treated like dirt just because they work in retail, and yet many have this attitude. That you somehow have a right
to treat people in this fashion simply because you may spend money there. We threw people out of the store and didn't want them or their money back for behavior like that. Yeah, this is a case in point why LFS employees may be rude, because often it is like this day in and day out.
Don't shop there. But do be sure that you weren't treating them rudely to begin with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Yup, these are the sorts of customers there are...and many do it for fun

Actually it can just be an ugly cycle. You may be seeing the mirror of how YOU are acting.
If you are treated poorly, I agree, don't shop there. But do reflect on how you may behave as well.
Who said they were obligated to be treated like dirt? Ive noticed a severe decline in customer service eminating from the business side, they try to justify it by blaming the customer when in reality it's is the businesses responsibility to treat the customers with respect first, not the other way around. If it wasnt for the customer the business wouldnt exist.
Im not saying the customer shouldnt be polite but rather business that dont realize that the customers are their lifeblood deserve to go under. They need the customers more than the customers need them. Many businesses have forgotten this and customer service now days is terrible because of it. If they cant remember this then they should find a market less associated with public interaction.


Active Member
What store did you go to? Emerald Bay or Aquatic Critter? Both of those are overpriced like 200-500% anyways. You should come to Clarksville. While we may not always have a large selection, it is very rare that you will pay over $60 for a coral.
ps- I've never been treated poorly at a pet store in Nashville or Clarksville.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
So you suggest, after being treated poorly, to take it out on animals in a fish tank? Things that didn't wrong you at all? What's with that? I do question anyone who would think to do something like that just because they weren't treated well.

People are not obligated to be treated like dirt just because they work in retail, and yet many have this attitude. That you somehow have a right
to treat people in this fashion simply because you may spend money there. We threw people out of the store and didn't want them or their money back for behavior like that. Yeah, this is a case in point why LFS employees may be rude, because often it is like this day in and day out.
Don't shop there. But do be sure that you weren't treating them rudely to begin with.
Yeah, a bad example, word of mouth would be more effective.
Customers are not obligated to be treated like dirt either? Ive noticed a severe decline in customer service eminating from the business side, they try to justify it by blaming the customer when in reality it's is the businesses responsibility to treat the customers with respect first, not the other way around. If it wasnt for the customer the business wouldnt exist.
Im not saying the customer shouldnt be polite but rather business that dont realize that the customers are their lifeblood deserve to go under. They need the customers more than the customers need them. Many businesses have forgotten this and customer service now days is terrible because of it. If they cant remember this then they should find a market less associated with public interaction.


Active Member
IMO, it is an equal responsibility to treat each other with respect. That is my point.
No one should have to bend over backwards for someone who walks in the door with a nasty attitude. IMO, you earn respect based on how you treat others.
I have no problem not shopping at a store because of poor customer service. That is the marketplace and some stores are better than others and if it is important to me, then I won't go there. Some people don't care how they are treated as long as the price is right - fine too.
But I also do not believe the customer has the right to treat employees with total disregard either. And sometimes, yes sometimes, this is the real story of why someone was treated rudely. Maybe not always, but it is worth considering.