why are they jerks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
IMO, it is an equal responsibility to treat each other with respect. That is my point.
No one should have to bend over backwards for someone who walks in the door with a nasty attitude. IMO, you earn respect based on how you treat others.
I have no problem not shopping at a store because of poor customer service. That is the marketplace. But I also do not believe the customer has the right to treat employees with total disregard either. And sometimes, yes sometimes, this is the real story of why someone was treated rudely. Maybe not always, but it is worth considering.
Concur, when I was a kid I remember seeing signs that read, no shirt, no shoes, no service and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Certainly their right. Unruley customers should be dealt with and invited to hand feed the electric eels or Lion fish.


Active Member
Having been in the customer service side of things in the past I can see both sides to this. IMO if I am at any store and think I am being a reasonable customer asking reasonable questions then I can expect reasonable answers from a reasonable employee. If this doesn't happen then I speak with the manager. Yes, there are demanding customers and a good manager will bend over backwards to satisfy the customer in a reasonable way. If the customer is really being unreasonable and problematic and there doesn't seem to be anyway to control the situation other then breaking the managers back then I would politely show them the door. But, as a manager if I was seeing that the customer had been mistreated I would make it up to them by maybe giving them a nice discount or something free. Then I would coach or reprimand the employee depending on how severe and maybe terminate if it was really serious.
On the other hand as a customer if I feel like I am being brushed off (which my live fishstore has done) I will let them know and leave never to return. All I ask is good service and I won't mind at all spending my money there. In my experience though I find that dealing with companies on line and with people in general online is preferable to dealing with some local businesses. Look at this forum, for example you will see that people are polite and get along really well and differences are well handled by most individuals.


Active Member
I briefly read through some of the posts and sorry if this has been covered already. Drop pennies in the tanks! No way...I don't want to punish the SW inhabitants that have done nothing wrong. That makes me think way back to a LFS that set up my tank. I found a nail in the tank a few months after setup and have no idea how it got in there. I hope the people that set it up didn't do it hoping the tank would crash causing me to but more. Doesn't matter now since they are out of business. Back to the point. I have one local LFS that doesn't seem to help at all. There are several employess but they all seem to expect you to know everything or at least know them on a more personal level. I went to them a couple of times in the early stage and since I got VERY poor help and I found out later that their very ppor help was VERY bad, I try to hurt them by NOT BUYING FROM THE STORE EVER AGAIN!!! I also tell everyone else NOT to buy from them. Now there is another store that does help answer questions but their tanks always look bad. It's a major franchise chain with many different people caring for the tanks, but the tanks always look bad (so I assume they need a full time person to take care of the tanks). I used them more for advice ( several do know what they are talking about) but quit buying from them.
So my conclusion is to not be a jerk and try to harm a store by dropping pennies but either quit buying from them, tell people not to go there, just go somewhere else, or get out of the hobby!!!


Active Member
Yeah, pennies are uncalled for, two dimes and a nickle would be better. :hilarious. The inhabitants should have formed a militia and choose not to be sold by the enemy, they should have rebelled against their captors, called the ASPCA and requested political asylum from Chuck Norris.

The bigger stores really dont care if you return. Your business is but a drop in the bucket to them compaired to the many others waiting in line. I think some folks actually find this trend of retail arrogance and rudeness fashionable. There is a pub down here that has a reputation for rudeness and people actually line up outside waiting.
Lets take one of the large electronics giants on the west coast for example. If you were to visit this fine upstanding example of hospitalty dont expect to hear a "can I help you" or simple "hello" because you'll starve to death waiting. Piranhas are more hospitable. Its almost like your presence is an inconvience to them, I have watched thier employees intentionally go out of the way trying to look busy to avoid helping people, yet every weekend this place is like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat ... crazy busy. They dont care, customer service to them is allowing you into thier store. If the customer is a jerk initially in your store then why not point to the sign and tell them to leave. Thats what the internet is for. Otherwise customer service should be retailers #1 priority.


Active Member
I go into the store to get what I want...In a smaller LFS, I would expect some conversation, and if they do not agree with my plans, there are other stores..Just like many sites on the Net, they all have different requirements for certain species, etc. I understand that at the smaller stores, this is their livelihood, but the chains CAN NOT refuse me what I come to get. Someone is not able to stop you from buying say a HDDvd even though you do not have a HiDef TV, or even the player to play it on...Once again, your JOB is retail, do it...You dont want people to get stuff from you, go to school and get a better job


Active Member
I personally prefer smaller and more personable stores. I am at my LFS at least once a week so I expect to be treated well, and I am. I love that I go there and the employees know my name and ask how my tank is doing and how my week has been. I have a level of trust and mutual respect with them and I find that invaluble.
I believe that customer service is completely lost with large corporations as Phixer stated. That why I am a big supporter of the small business owners!!


Active Member
Some of the worst service I have received - and most questionable livestock - has been at smaller stores. And I won't go there. I also will not buy Tetra products anymore due to issues I had with them during the promotion of "Finding Nemo." And I rarely rarely only in total desperation will ever shop at a *****. There is definitely personal judgement, and your personal standards at play...what is it you value?
I do not believe employees at a store should be rude to customers, that is stupid really - its their bread and butter, but I think it is a two way street. And I think sometimes people need to take a loot at themselves when they are treated rudely. If an employee is rude then I agree to speak to a manager, and if that doesn't resolve it, then make it clear your business is going elsewhere.
But I do think, just for a moment, you should think about stepping into another person's shoes. Look at LFS posts on these forums. Invariably the LFS employee is called an idiot, stupid, uncaring, uneducated...etc..etc. There are lots of assumptions about LFS employees and I wonder, just a bit, how much people reflect that assumption in their dealings with them. I'll tell you what, I've done many many jobs - and those in the service industry by far are the hardest, and the LFS? Wow, I would never go back to that one, ever.


i am NEVER rude to them and if i could find another lfs with as good as an selection as they do then im gone but i am never rude to them or for that fact to anybody straight out of the gate