why can I find bamboo shark and blue spot rays?

peter ray

Actually I am a woman. :joy: The bow front that Peter Ray started out in is a 95 gallon. The angle of that picture makes it look smaller. I've included another picture that shows more of that tank.
Peter Ray has lots of room now in the 150 gallon. When and if he does outgrow the 150, he will go into a 300 gallon that is waiting for him. I'll take a picture this weekend that shows a full tank shot of him in his current home.
FYI: The bowfront in the picture is now a complete reef tank. Looks totally differnt. Will show pics later.

tx reef

Active Member

I just don't like when people don't read the entire thread and jump on someone. Read first, flame later.....



Originally Posted by AW2x3
Dont think, for a second, that public aquariums keep fish for years, or their entire life span.
Something dies, or gets eaten...they purchase or catch another specimen.
When I was at Shedd, we replaced hundreds of fish on a monthly basis...it's just the way it works.

For Profit Aquariums may
do just what you stated. Non Profit Aquariums do not do that. I have seen a team of vets work on a fish that could have been replaced from the LFS for $5.
For Profit Aquariums are focused on money, while Not For Profit Aquariums are focused more on conservation and education.


I can personally say not all "for profit aquariums are that way. I worked at The Living Seas, Walt Disney World, EPCOT last year for 7 months for my marine bio internship and personally watched vets give $300-400 shots to $20-30 fish :happyfish



Originally Posted by fishman122
I can personally say not all "for profit aquariums are that way. I worked at The Living Seas, Walt Disney World, EPCOT last year for 7 months for my marine bio internship and personally watched vets give $300-400 shots to $20-30 fish :happyfish
I am glad to see that they are concerned for the animal's well being.
I do want to clarify that I stated they MAY
do that.
A place I spend 40 hours a week at has not lost a shark in 25 years. I find it sad that "AW2x3" holds that feeling. "Reefiness" has the delusion that he knows more than Master's level public aquarium researchers. I wonder how many times he was a keynote speaker at a AZA or MACNA convention. Better yet, how many times his findings were published???
I am not trying to start a flame war, but c'mon, do people truly believe Reefiness' statement???


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishman122
I can personally say not all "for profit aquariums are that way. I worked at The Living Seas, Walt Disney World, EPCOT last year for 7 months for my marine bio internship and personally watched vets give $300-400 shots to $20-30 fish :happyfish
That place is awesome, I really liked there aquariums.