New Member
I went to my LFS to buy a new tank and set it up as FOWLR. 90 - 120 gallons. The first LFS told me I should only use a wet/dry filter because of the bioloads of marine fish cannot be handeld by a canister. The other LFS said it is ok as long as it is FOWLR. My question to you guys is. If I add 2 canisters (350GPH each) on a 120 gallons tank w/ 3 powerheads (200GPH each) that will give me a circulation of 1300GPH way over 10x. since I am adding LR/LS the canisters will not have to do all of the bio-filtration. I will have 2" of sand (100lbs) and about 80 lbs of LR. Will this work out to have an EEL, Lion, and a couple of other aggressive fish for that tank size?? I will also add a hang on skimmer. I guess a Remora Pro will be my only option.
Thank you
Thank you