Why can't I use a canister filter for a Marine tank?


New Member
I went to my LFS to buy a new tank and set it up as FOWLR. 90 - 120 gallons. The first LFS told me I should only use a wet/dry filter because of the bioloads of marine fish cannot be handeld by a canister. The other LFS said it is ok as long as it is FOWLR. My question to you guys is. If I add 2 canisters (350GPH each) on a 120 gallons tank w/ 3 powerheads (200GPH each) that will give me a circulation of 1300GPH way over 10x. since I am adding LR/LS the canisters will not have to do all of the bio-filtration. I will have 2" of sand (100lbs) and about 80 lbs of LR. Will this work out to have an EEL, Lion, and a couple of other aggressive fish for that tank size?? I will also add a hang on skimmer. I guess a Remora Pro will be my only option.
Thank you


I use to run two fluva 404 canisters in my 75 with a 6 inch v.lion and a 22inch moray eel and I never had an issue. I now have just the lion in the 75 running only one fluva 404 canister and samething know problems. HTH


Active Member
I ran a canister on my old 55 reef, and also on the same 55 when it was an aggressive setup. I never had any problems. I see no issues with this setup if you have plenty of LR/LS.
I do however prefer the wet/dry sump style filtration. Easier to clean, and I have a place to put the heater, skimmer, etc. without them hanging inside the tank. Just gives a better look overall IMO.


A Jeff Gordon fan I see, nascar24 as long as you have atleast 1 lb of LR per gallon you are fine for biological filtration. That is as long as you do not overstock the tank. Canister filters are great for water movement, chemical filtration, and particle filtartion but are very limited in biological flitering. My 220 salt tank is bio-filtered by Fiji LR and two Magnum 350 for chemical and particle. This tank has a typical bio-load and is doing quite well.:joy:


New Member
Thanks for the responces. I am glad it is doable. As Far as stocking it, here is the list : 1 EEL , 1 Voiltan lion , 1 porcupine puffer. Maybe a 4th fish but not sure yet.
A Jeff Gordon fan I see, nascar24 ....


I have a 110 gallon with 2 fluvals and 2 powerheads. If you are doing a reef tank with corals and other inverts a protein skimmer and overflow are the best ways to go. Agressive fish are MUCH easier to keep alive with little filtration. Your set up is perfectly fine, might even be to much, but then again there is never to much waterflow and filtration! :) good luck


I use a Magnum 350 along with my LR, powerhead and skimmer and have had no problems. Like stated above canisters are awsome for movement and chemical, but i leave most of the particulate for my skimmer, which I specifically got double rated for my tank. (150 gal skimming for a 75 gal.)Its also good to have the outpu "stir" the surface for increased gas exchange, but the fluvals pretty much set themselves up for that any way.
As for the eel, get a Snowflake!:yes: :happy: :yes: There awsome! And the lion I would suggest either a Volitan or a Radiata (good luck!.....Ive been waiting for SWF to get them in for a while now.....)