
I really don't know why everyone is picking on the damsels. I dont really get whats so bad about them.
everyone is flaming them...


Active Member
They become so freaking territorial, they will hunt down and kill new additions, they will bite and attack your hand. Only thing they have going for them is they are a cheap fish.


The only damsel that hasn't been aggressive to anything is my blue velvet, all the other ones have attacked all my other fish. The 3 stripe damsel was the worst and the hardest to get out of the tank! It took me forever to catch that thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TrueClowns
I really don't know why everyone is picking on the damsels. I dont really get whats so bad about them.
everyone is flaming them...
Their mean, their nasty! Why would anyone want one after u see the devistation they cause to their tankmates. They pick on everything, stress other fish out or even kill them.
Other than Chromis of course.


Active Member
Pretty much sums it up. They are a very nasty fish and almost impossible to get out of the tank without breaking it down.


My brother made me take his yellow tale Damsel when I re-set up my tank.
I had my Royal Gramma fish in his tank for a little while when I was moving and the Damsel would chase it, and try to attack it. It would keep the other fish hiding all the time.
Now in my tank with the Damsel never chases the Royal Gramma or attacks it. I've only seen it chase my Firefish once and then it left it alone.
I really hope it doesnt get mean again. I dont even want the stupid thing and my brother says he hopes it dies before I get a chance to bring it over.
Stupid bi-polar fish.


Well-Known Member
lol, agreed. I use damsels to cycle new customers tanks. Most people do not want to keep them when I tell them how agressive they are.
I had a black and white clown in one of my 90gal. aquariums and I always wanted to catch it, but never made the effort. One day, that clown jumped out of the tank and it was like a miracle!


Active Member
Most people who think damsels are mean are keeping them incorrectly. They are a schooling fish and need to be kept in groups of three or more, preferably odd numbers.


Active Member
I also don't know what everyone has against damsels. My fish love them. They make a great, healthy snack for my lion and grouper.


Active Member
mine was so mean. i added a royal gramma and the damsel couldnt believe there was a new tankmate. flipped out and started chasing it around the tank, through the rocks, kept hunting him down, wouldnt let him eat. a week passed by and he finally stopped. now they swim together but the damsel gets aggressive during feeding time somtimes and scares him off.. and this damsel was supposed to be the least aggressive of them


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I also don't know what everyone has against damsels. My fish love them. They make a great, healthy snack for my lion and grouper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
lol, agreed. I use damsels to cycle new customers tanks. Most people do not want to keep them when I tell them how agressive they are. ..


Active Member
Damsels are nice in the right setup. I seen a 150 gal tank that was soley devoted to damsels. They were in groups of 5, with just live rock and it was truly a sight to behold. The color, action etc was truly beautiful. So I have to disagree with most of the responses here. If they are kept the "correct" way in a large tank they can make a very inexpensive but beautiful addition.
Also, there was not aggression amongst these fish as I sat and watch for hours. It was a amazing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Damsels are nice in the right setup. I seen a 150 gal tank that was soley devoted to damsels. They were in groups of 5, with just live rock and it was truly a sight to behold. The color, action etc was truly beautiful. So I have to disagree with most of the responses here. If they are kept the "correct" way in a large tank they can make a very inexpensive but beautiful addition.
Also, there was not aggression amongst these fish as I sat and watch for hours. It was a amazing.

I have to agree here. The Westin in Ka'anapali Beach Maui has a huge tank in the reception area that houses a bunch 30+ Blue Devil Damsels and a couple of yellow tangs. This tank had great color and a lot of movement. I personally would NEVER have a tank like that, but could definitly sit and admire others with a tank similar to it.
On the otherhand, damsels are usually the first fish that anyone buys when they enter into saltwater. This is due to their hardiness and how cheap they are...I am not immune to this as when I started my original 75g setup, I had 3 devil damsels and one 3 stripe.
Only 2 of the 5 became seriously aggresive. The 3 stripe nipped at my emperor and powder blue when they were originally introduced and the blue damsel nipped at my hippo tang when she was.
Subsiquently, they were all removed and placed in the QT tank. Except for the 3 stripe. He made it through so many disasters and still lived. Finally, a failed heater did him in the QT tank. Unfortunately, it took out a queen angel and a mated pair of Anthias as well


Originally Posted by Debbie
Okay ccampbell57 what the heck is with your avatar and those clowns...

I saw him post the other day about it being airbrush/chopped.So it's not real but it does look cool huh!!