WHY do fish make big dunes???


Different fish have different personalities. There are some types fish who like to sift sand (like the diamond gobys), some fish who make holes and line the entrance with sand and small pebbles (like jawfish), and there are ******** decorator fish who like to move the aquarium around for who knows what reason (like some of the triggers).
What kind of fish do you have that is moving sand around?


I have a shrimp goby that just sifts through the sand looking for extra food. I also have an orchid dottyback that likes spitting sand out of it's home about once a week...


Active Member
My Blue Dot Jawfish is definitely a cave maker. He's been in the tank for under a week and has dug his huge caves under most of the rocks on the left side of the tank. Eventually they fill out when he moves to the next location, but it's interesting to watch.


yea it's basically my tomato clown fish that likes to do all the moving! It's cool to watch though! Thanx fir the information!