hey i was wondering why i would have so much algea my water temp never gets over 80 and my tank is about 1.5 months old. any ideas? and its not hair algea either.
LOTS of possible reasons, but the most common are:
- over stocked
- over feeding
- bad source water
your tank is also still very young, so it may still be cycling. Give us a rundown of your tank (amount of LR/LS, filters/media, fish, corals, lighting, etc.) and we might be able to offer more advice.
i ues my tap water my lfs said it was ok i declorinate and the lights are on from 7-11 7 in the morning to 11 at night and the water is clean just the algea stands on the glass and the back of the tank.
I will let others give advice about the tap water...your lights are on too long though. You should be going for a more natural 10 to 12 hour look. You can choose to delay the start time until noon so that you can enjoy the tank in the evenings until 10 or 11 PM
If it is brown allgae, then that is diatoms, which is natural for young tanks and will go away shortly.
Another question to answer is what type of cleaning crew do you have (snails / crabs)?
Like stated cut the lighting down and use better water. I wouldn't use tap water for anything but drinking and bathing. Cleaner water should be used for saltwater, look into RO, RO/DI, or distilled water for your tank.
their is no place to buy water from a lfs around here and i would feel retarted going to walmart everytime i do a water change is thier anything else i can do the diatoms have been their for like 2-3 weeks but ill cut down my lights.
Originally Posted by SeR_Cyclops
ro/di what is this can anyone give me a link of some sort and are these things high?
RO is for reverse osmosis, DI is for deionized. You can get RO water from a grocery store like Safeway for about 40 cents a gallon. If you want DI, the best way is to buy an RO/DI unit. This site should offer them.
Originally Posted by SeR_Cyclops
ro/di what is this can anyone give me a link of some sort and are these things high?
ro/di is the best type of filtration there is. is one of the most important tools of this hobby since it will be the source of your water= optimal water quality.
any unit will work, a 25gpd will be fine just make sure is a ro/di 4-stage unit.
they are super expensive and i dont need 20 gal per day can you turn them off? and anyone know where i can get one cheep email me at keith_thacker@lycos.com
they're kind of expensive at first but they're totally woth it. i wouldn't skimp on that and yes you can turn them off, you just use it as long as you need however long it takes to filter the amount of water you want.