Why do I Have Brown Algae????????????

paul monroy

New Member
I have a 30 gallon tank and it has been running for about two weeks. I use to have a 10 gallon before, but then I transfered every thing to my 30 gal. I had a problem with brown algae in my 10 gal and now it is starting to grow all over my 30 gal. Now, my questions are these:
What is brown Aglae?
What causes it?
How do I get rid of it?
Is it bad/good for tank?
Is it part of the cycling?
-Thank you-


Active Member
What you are actually seeing is diatoms and that means your tank is finishing the cycle. I freaked when it happened to my tank but three weeks later they were gone. HTH


New Member
I had the exact same thing on my tank when I started. Let me ask you......what kind of water do you put in it? Tap? RO? Filtered?

nm reef

Active Member
Tap water could be part of the source of the problem.......may be causing high phosphate levels........which in turn contribute to algae problems...........I'd suggest trying water changes on a regular basis and switching to ro water......see if it helps