why do i have bubbles in my sump intake line. and how do i fix it


it is really really bugging me. i don't want to just add a filter sock over it because there is still a reason why there are bubbles before the water even makes it to the sump. I beleive this is why i have microbubbles in the tank. I can't even tell if they are bubbles or not, if they are, they are so small they just look like small white particles floating around in the tank.


well i put a ball valve on. that helped a little, but it starts to help, then it completely turns it off. do i just need a bigger return pump? i have a mag 7 but there is a decent amount of head. I just don't know how there is supposed to be any more flow to come down that intake line and the size of the pipe they supply you with is huge.
and is a bubble trap something i could make and put into the sump, or something i would have to install permanantly into the sump?