why do i keep losing tangs??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I have never ever seen an old Tang in anything shorter than a 6 foot tank. 5 - 6 years and something gets them. Disease, stress, whatever, it just doesn't work long term.
Totally Agree :yes: Definitely doesn't usually work long term and if people DO still have a 3-6 year old tang fitting "comfortably" in a 4' or smaller tank, then they really need to ask what is wrong. Because those fish, if truly heatlhy and growing, should be out of a 3-4' tank by then. :yes:
For me, I just don't trust myself to be able to say "I'll just take it back to the LFS when it is too big." I am really, really lucky in that I have two places to take my Kole - one with a 3000 g "pond" that must be a good 20' long. They also have a 40,000g...and another place with 3500g up to 100,00g+. So I know it is going to a far better place within a couple of years and I will be able to see it enjoying that. But taking it to the LFS and getting sold to who knows what (maybe an even smaller tank) is often a difficult thing to do. I discourage people relying on that as a way to get a tang.