Why do i need a skimmer?

why do i need a protien skimmer??? i have a emp 400, sump with 1000gph and a XP3 canister filter.... and some guy was telling me that i NEED a skimmer for my fish/reef :( wth? what is it and what does it do??? it is a 55gal tanks i have.... 10 scalet hermit crabs, 5 mexican snails, 10 astrial snail, a sweetlips, a snowflake eel, 4 blue damsels and a little lion fish... and 80lbs of live rock over live sand 10lbs of crushed coral
why do i need one??? thanks!


Active Member
it removess the disolved organics from the water column. Something a bio filter can't do. Buy a coralife ss 65 , put in on your tank for one week and you will never again doubt the need for a skimmer after you see the waste


You don't need one. It can't hurt to have one. I have on just because it looks cool under my tank. My nitrates are still very high with one. You should get one but you don't need one. Just like you should have that sweetlips in a larger atleast a 100 plus tank but you don't.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ejensen
You don't need one. It can't hurt to have one. I have on just because it looks cool under my tank. My nitrates are still very high with one. You should get one but you don't need one. Just like you should have that sweetlips in a larger atleast a 100 plus tank but you don't.
a skimmer is not really ment to elp with trates it sounds like you need a refugium

pogi pants

Originally Posted by ejensen
You don't need one. It can't hurt to have one. I have on just because it looks cool under my tank. My nitrates are still very high with one. You should get one but you don't need one. Just like you should have that sweetlips in a larger atleast a 100 plus tank but you don't.

oh man, that's good stuff.


Originally Posted by ejensen
You don't need one. It can't hurt to have one. I have on just because it looks cool under my tank. My nitrates are still very high with one. You should get one but you don't need one. Just like you should have that sweetlips in a larger atleast a 100 plus tank but you don't.
I am curious to know what is in your tank and your water readings.


The skimmer will remove all of the disolved organics. Trust us. When you see your first cup of skimate you will know the value of it. :happyfish


Originally Posted by sepulatian
The skimmer will remove all of the disolved organics. Trust us. When you see your first cup of skimate you will know the value of it. :happyfish
Ditto!!!! :happyfish