For starters, my 125 fowlr is over 4 years old, so it's a mature tank and I'm pretty experienced with keeping it. I lost another fish today and I'm depressed.
Over the years, I have lost many fish for a variety of reasons. I assume that if a fish dies within a few days of purchase, it was either unhealthy to start, wasn't acclimated properly, or wasn't compatible with the other fish. What bothers me more is when a fish thrives for a month or two, then gets shy, stops eating, and dies. This happened to three of my fish in the past month. Water tests are good, and the remaining fish are all healthy, long-term, peaceful occupants. That leads me to believe these deaths are not due to poor water or abuse, and the fact that some of the fish have been here over a year tells me I must be doing something right.
Why do most of my fish die so soon?
Over the years, I have lost many fish for a variety of reasons. I assume that if a fish dies within a few days of purchase, it was either unhealthy to start, wasn't acclimated properly, or wasn't compatible with the other fish. What bothers me more is when a fish thrives for a month or two, then gets shy, stops eating, and dies. This happened to three of my fish in the past month. Water tests are good, and the remaining fish are all healthy, long-term, peaceful occupants. That leads me to believe these deaths are not due to poor water or abuse, and the fact that some of the fish have been here over a year tells me I must be doing something right.
Why do most of my fish die so soon?