Well, last night I lost one of my camel shrimp -couldn't find him and found his "ghost" shell in the power head. I guess the starfish and other shrimp finished him off. Well, I just found my other shrimp floating around the tank dead.
This is the third shrimp I have lost in about a month. What am I doing wrong? :help: I also have a royal gramma, 2 Florida orange snails (at least that is what the LFS called them they are the small ones that need help turning over UGH!) and a serpent star. Everyone else seems fine. My water parameters are:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <10
KH 11
Salinity is 1.024
temp 78
Thanks for your help
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <10
KH 11
Salinity is 1.024
temp 78
Thanks for your help