Why do my snails do this?


OK, All my water checks come out fine. Expect my salinity is a little high. it's 1.024.
OK here's the deal, the get on the glass and then they just fall off and just stay on the bed of the tank and don't move at all. I have to pick them up and put them back on the glass and then they will stay for a few more hours and then do the same thing.
Why would they do this. And if the salinity is high, how do i get it to come down. I've done and water change and used RO water instead of saltwater.
Please let me know.
Thank you,


What is you phosphate level? I had a similiar problem in my 55 setup with my snails. Turned out that my phosphates had gotten high and the snails couldn't seem to attach to the glass. Lowered the level and they began climbing again. HTH

bang guy

Falling off the glass is also a sign of osmotic shock. How long have you had the snails and how did you acclimate them?


Everyone please remember that acclimation is critical with inverts,even more so than with fish sometimes.