Why do snails crawl out of the water?


This might seem like a dumb question, but in all of the books that I have I can not find any info on why do snails crawl up to the rim of the aquarium out of the water sometimes?? Anyone know???


one reason I have found it due to water conditions. Temp may be too hot, or SA might be high. They continue to forage while out of the water, so it could be a simple explaination, hunger. When my sump overheated from my --- heater not in curculation, all my slugs and snails came inches out of the water to get out of the rising water temps.
I wouldn't doubt other explanations too.


Active Member
Snails aren't exactly brilliant creatures. They are driven by food. They won't stay out of the water long enough to kill them.


Well-Known Member
i have heard som snales lay their eggs outside of the water.
I suspect it is the other reasons listed here though.
Maybe they want to get dry cleaned?


also some snails are low or high tide snails so the go looking for the tide and in our tanks there isnt a tide so the go to the top of the tank rim.


Thanks for all of the comments. I have always wondered over the years why they sometimes crawl out and I just never asked anyone...... some of the tanks that I have the snails will go up to the top during the day and back down overnight. The temps are the same day or night. It must be a "nature" kind of thing like MichaelTX says......

nm reef

Active Member
Now don't quote me on this...but I seriously believe mine go to the top for a little sun tan under the lighting!!!!!
Actually they are either responding to poor water conditions or they are simply scavenging whatever they can find where ever they can find it...I've always got several along the top of the water line...even found a few dead on the center brace...stupid snails!!!:cool: