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I just try not to ask too many questions of CFR. He is his own entity and it's best to learn about him by what little he gives us.
Like, first of all, there is no inner voice. He has found a way to seamlessly integrate his thoughts into swf threads. We can see the sum of CFR's thoughts practically every day based solely upon the amount of threads he starts.
We know that there is a Lowe's close to where he lives, and he passes it every day to get to work.
We know he has accounts at some no-name bank with NO ATM's anywhere near where he lives... this requires him to purchase a candy bar or pack of gum at a store whenever he wants to get cash out. And yet the little voice inside his head wishes, just wishes, that he could get cash back at his favorite breakfast restaurant... he can order a side of bacon and eat it on his way to work, all the while with that God-forsaken $20 burning a hole in his pocket. And why doesn't he just take out $100 or something? Why go 5 days in a row for $20 and not ONE day for $100? It also shows that he lives in the moment... just as every CFR should.
As far as I can remember, CFR has never referred to his brain or head as brain or head. Everything referring to those two parts of his body he refers to as "dome." Must be a Jersey thing.
He's a bassist, he loves his kid. I still have no idea what his wife is like because I have never heard him speak of her. She must be a great woman though, as he never complains about her.
He gets much joy out of the kitten-lingo that is superimposed upon questionable cat pictures, such to the point that he would make it his avatar.
He likes spelling things just a little off. e.g. "bewbies" and "loff"
This is what I know of him.
What I DON'T know is why he never answers his own questions. Perhaps he needs feedback from us. However, every once in a while we get to see yet another glimpse of what he's thinking when he slips up and decides to include his answer in the beginning of the questioning thread. This rare site happened just the other day when he was talking about how to finish eating the plate of food he's given. He saves the best for last.
Speaking of which, if he saves the best for last then does that mean when he passes away, is there going to be an enormous auto-responder that gives us the much-coveted answers to the myriad of questions he's asked us over the years?
Ok, that's all I know. lol
Quite the response, you really need a job Nick