Why does condi stay all shriveled up??


So, my Florida Condi will shrivel up really small at nights when the lights are off. But after the lights are on it expands to its normal size. Well today when I got home it was still all shriveled up and is still that way tonight even though the lights have been on all day.
Any thoughts????


The tank has been up for 3 months now. The anemone has been in the tank for about a week. I have a bio cube 14 with compact florescent lights.


Originally Posted by JMill
The tank has been up for 3 months now. The anemone has been in the tank for about a week. I have a bio cube 14 with compact florescent lights.
1st they say not to put an anemone into a tank that is not established..at least 6 months
2nd, you don't have the right kind of lighting
so it's probably dieing...either bring it back to the store or give it to someone with adequate lights and tank maturity to house an anemone