Why does my clownfish rearange my tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BexleyFish
Y is it that my clown kicks all of the sand out of "his" corner?
is it the true perc or maroon? my ocellaris did this the other day, but i'm sure she was just making herself at home with the hammer coral. when i had a gsm male he would do this when he was "upset." he would stir up the sand then scoop up some sand with his mouth and spit it at my corals
so i guess what im saying is either its making itself at home if its his/her corner or just upset about something


Its the Maroon. When I first got him in a 10 gallon he did it, then he did it in the forty. When I put in the BTA the maroon moved to the other corner to be with the BTA and is doing it again. Its never posed a problem I just wonder why, it kinda funny.

shark bait

my GSM did this between a pile of rocks. what was wired is the rocks were his home and who ever swam by is got the GSM dance, and was told back off. So yea they do this.


Oh ya mine does that, when my valentini comes too close he pushes him at a perpendicular angle half way across the tank


I call it, "the love twitch". My black percs do it too. I had a maroon that did it as well and he never had a mate.


Active Member
most clowns will do this. some say its to lay eggs (if a pair) some say "frustration" my maroon does it so the LTA can open up to its fullest potential so he has a lot of sleeping room lol