why does my tang still have ich?!?!?


my blue tang has been in hypo for 6 weeks now and theres still white specs on him. The specific gravity has been at 1.008-1.009 the whole time. Its been measured with a refractometer as well. Ive been trying to cure this blue thing several times in hypo already but at the end it, he always end up with ich again. Has the sandbed have to do anything with it. Theres about a 1/4 inch layer in there. Im really fustrated. What have i been doing wrong? I replaced evaporated water everyday in this 20L tank. temp has been kept constant at 81 degrees. Should i give up and just do copper instead? Ive had this tang in this qt for 4 months already and i would like to put him in the display. Thanks.


Active Member
am I reading this right?
the tang ahs been in hypo for 4 months, at 1.009 or lower?
and still has ich?


no its been in hypo for 6 weeks. But before this it has been in 2 other hypo treatment which did not go well. He came done with ich when i was rising the specific gravity. Theres also a poor little clownfish thats been going through this the whole time. He has no spots on him. The tang in the other hand has 3-4 spots. Im so confused. Being in hypo for this long should have extirpated ich. I feed a variety of food. Nori everyday. Formula one, mysis shrimp,flake,and pellets. Switch off on this. I recalibrated my refractormeter a lot of times. Maybe i should bring it to the fish store to check if its accurate.
I just changed 25 percent of the water and half the sand bed. Hopefully that will help.
Will the ph effect hyposalinity? Because i dont really pay much close attention to it. Thanks for the response.


if its not ich then what is it called? Its white protruding specs on the body and not the fins. Are there alternative options to formalin dip, because i hear that they ban the sale of formalin in California. Thanks