why doesnt my salt disolve?


i got a rio 150 pump in there with a spoon holding dwn my heater and as u can see on the top of the water is my salt just floating there. most of it dissolved but not this stuff, wat do i do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by j-j_02
i got a rio 150 pump in there with a spoon holding dwn my heater and as u can see on the top of the water is my salt just floating there. most of it dissolved but not this stuff, wat do i do?
It can take up to 36hrs under high power head, how long has that been like that? Are you sure thats salt residue? Is your salt fresh and was it well stored? Dont forget SALT is a natural absorbant.


wow, ok i didnt use a suction cup cuz i couldnt find it
. im using instant ocean salt. the bag was open but it didnt get wet or anything and it was stored under my tank in the stand. its been circulating for only about 30min. wat does it mean if its an absorbent? thank you guys for your help, i really appreciate it.
. please keep helping tho


Active Member
was the bag sealed well, open bags dont store TOO LONG well, give it some more time under high power head use.


ya, it was stored well, i had a rubberband around it super tight. the only powerhead i got is this lil rio150 and another big one but thats in my dt. u thinkg it will be ok? maybe wen i do the water change i can pour it in the dt and the big powerheard will dissolve it, wat do u think? i mean there isnt that mch floating on top but it is a pretty large amont


Active Member
Originally Posted by j-j_02
ya, it was stored well, i had a rubberband around it super tight. the only powerhead i got is this lil rio150 and another big one but thats in my dt. u thinkg it will be ok? maybe wen i do the water change i can pour it in the dt and the big powerheard will dissolve it, wat do u think? i mean there isnt that mch floating on top but it is a pretty large amont
It should be ok, check the temperature and salinity and see what you get, If you are really scared, test the water and if your paranoid, WHEN IN DOUBT THROW IT OUT! But it soungds like it was stored well, how about that container it came in? was it thouroughly cleaned?


Originally Posted by j-j_02
its been circulating for only about 30min.

I think that pretty much explains things.
As mentioned, it can take a while for all the salt to dissolve ... sometimes a day or so. Also, and I have no imperical evidence of this, but it sure seems to me that the salt dissolves quicker when the water's warmer.
The bucket looks fairly small, 5g? If so, then the small Rio should be okay, just give it time.


I've gotten bad batches of IO before...just gotta give it time......I use tropic marin reef now. seems to do better all around...

sinner's g

Test the water. I too have gotten a bad batch of IO, killed my inverts (only two stars lived).
I'd say something is wrong if it won't disolve. Unless your water is saturated with salt. What's the sg?
You might want to get a new bag...I've never had trouble with salt disolving...it's been about 7 years now...
Sinner's Girl
NM, it's only been 30, give it some time.


ok, ill give it sum tme. the salinity is fine nd its like a 40g bucket. i use a similar one for water changes.i check and see how it does overnight. i hope itsgunna be ok cuz thats gunna suk if i have to throw it out
. thanx guys for all ur help, very appreciated


Active Member
You don't need the suction cups for the heater. I use a 44 gal brute{it is food grade, so safe for your tank}submersible heater and just toss it in with a MJ powerhead for a day at least..sometimes two. IO is notorious for leaving residue.


Active Member
You could also use something to knock down that salt that is floating on top as well. It is probably sitting on top of an air pocket or something and is holding enough of the salt up that it wont get wet enough to dissolve into the water.. Use that spoon and tap on that floating glob of salt and it should sink and then dissolve fine.


i dnt just tap with the spoon, i stir like theres no tomarrow
. residue? is that bad? and it still hasnt dissolved, its been a lil less then 24hrs. wat would happen if i tossed it in my dt as is? most of it has dissolved since i posted the picture.