Why doesn't my skimmer work?

I have the prizm skimmer and it $ucks. It was a waste of money.
Ever since I got it. I usually just use it as a glorified powerhead. Once a month I use it for what it was made for and it will take out skum for a few days and after that pure water.
Is it possible that there is not enough junk that needs to be skimmed out for it to work. Or WAS it a waste of money. What is up with it?
However even though I don't use it my tank has clear water and there are never any problems.


Active Member
How much of a bio load do you have?
I have 2 Prizm's and both of them do ok. They will not skim all the time though just as yours. Only when they want/or have something to skim I suppose.
You probably just have a clean tank and don't have that much junk to get out.
Keep an eye on it and see if that's the case.
Good Luck!


I had a prizm skimmer and it sucked too then I sold it and the guy I sold it to did the deluxe upgrade for 30 bucks the thing jams now. Maybe this will work for you.