Why even get an anemone?

EVERYTHING I've read talks about how temperamental they are, how hard they are to keep, how they can nuke a tank if they die. I have two clowns (added yesterday) and I know they don't need an anemone but my question is... why would I take a chance on them if they're not that hardy?


Anemones are not easy to keep. They require intense lighting, near perfect parameters and good flow. Amenones are certainly not required for clowns but they are beautiful and much appreciated by the clowns. It is the sense of satisfaction you get from keeping them happy and healthy that makes it worth the trouble. Your clowns will be perfectly happy w/o an anemone. It is a personal choice.


Active Member
Why not get an anemone?? If you think about it, everything in this hobby is about taking a chance. You learn, study and experience by research and doing. If you learn enough before making a purchase then you are more aware of what the chances are of all the creatures capabilities in being healthy and happy. If you know your creatures enough then you'll know if there's something different going on and to correct it. It's all about experiencing and learning.