Why insump skimmers are better then HOB skimmers


Active Member
Im just curious why an insump skimmer would work better then a hang on back skimmer. Isnt it skimmer the same water anyways?


yes they are but in the sump you don't have to look at the pump feeding it, the less things inside the tank the better it looks.


Active Member
It looks nicer and most big skimmers and most of the best skimmers are in-sump because there big and really wouldn't fit on the back.


only reason i can think of is they generally will have larger reaction chambers that are both wider in diameter and taller in height. add those two factors along with larger pumps and you have a more efficient skimmer. skimmer design always comes to play as well, but thats another issue


Active Member
thanks for the replys, you have answered the question that has been bugging me for a while. Even thought it was fairly obvious... the size of the skimmer helps, i thought it had to do with where the water was.


Active Member
Most in sump skimmers will also be processing the surface water if you are using an overflow, which we all are. Hang ons process water a few inches below the surface.
I do belive the biggest benefit to in sumps is their larger reaction chamber.