why is Aiptasia bad?


as the title states. I mean they look cool enough...none of my corals are around them...I think it is Aiptasias that i have...they have tenacles with white bands up and down the tentacles. Why are these guys so bad...is it a problem if I keep them?


Active Member
They can multiply rapidly and take over. They can get pretty large, suprisingly so.
They have strong stinging cells which can harm other corals. The worst part is that you have no control over how they spread. Best to eliminate them from the start.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfry
as the title states. I mean they look cool enough...none of my corals are around them...I think it is Aiptasias that i have...they have tenacles with white bands up and down the tentacles. Why are these guys so bad...is it a problem if I keep them?
Does it look like the Aiptasia in the hitchhiker forum? They will spread through out your tank pretty fast and WILL sting your other corals or other inhabitants like fish. They're more like a pest then anything else. You keep them if you want, the guy I got some corals from before had it all over his tank and some traveled with the corals I got from him into my tank. I've been eliminating them ever since. So far I don't see any left in my tank. I even got a Peppermint Shrimp to eat'em, but the shrimp won't even touch it so I had to rid them with Joe's Juice, it kills'em within a couple of min. The guy that had'em all over his tank didn't mind it, but I don't like'em. They can grow pretty big too!!! Would you rather see a bunch of pretty corals around or a bunch of aiptasias trying to sting everyone? :happyfish


yeah good points and thanks for relplying. My tank is fairly new (6months) so i dont have but a few small corals and 3 fish. I may ultimately get rid of them once i accumulate more corals. But one thing im curious about is that I know they sell anenomes so what is the difference? The rate at which they multiply?


Active Member
Different animals have different ways of multiplying. In the case of aptasia they can spread throughout the tank in different places. I guess it's some kind of spore release or something. At the end of the day, regardless of 'how' they do it, they will spread like crazy.
I know they look cool but...........they are a problem in a reef tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfry
yeah good points and thanks for relplying. My tank is fairly new (6months) so i dont have but a few small corals and 3 fish. I may ultimately get rid of them once i accumulate more corals. But one thing im curious about is that I know they sell anenomes so what is the difference? The rate at which they multiply?
Aiptasia multiply very quickly like I've said earlier, if you waited any longer you'll have soooooooooo many of them to kill and hidden in places where you can't see like behind the rocks, etc. where they can multiply more even if you kill the ones you see. Best to start now while it's early so you can rid them once for all. They're a very invasive organism and will sting your corals and other inhabitants like I've menioned earlier. :happyfish


Yea whatever you do don't use any kind of mechanical aggitation to get rid of them....... You'll end up with hundreds of pieces all around your tank and with their uncanny ability to reproduce you'll have a freakin mess.....