Why is Carbon...


bad for a reef tank? Does it take nutrients out of the water that the corals need? Eventually in the future I would like to switch over my 125 gallon FOWLR to a reef tank. I run it now with two Emperor 400's hanging on the back. I use the carbon filters that come with it. Also the Diamond Rock that goes in the empty media cartridges. Would I want to get rid of all of that if I switched over to a reef tank? how do you keep the water clear then? Because right now it is crystal clear running these two emporers. Thanks.


I always see people posting they only use it for 5 days then pull it out? So I took it there is a reason for this?


it isn't necesary to leave it in. it is just used to neutralize (for lack of a better word) anything that they might have dosed the tank with. all filter pads already have carbon in them anyway


So what is the Diamond rock for that I put in the empty cartridge behind the carbon filter in the Emporer 400?


i honestly dont know, probably just to filter out impurities. u dont buy filter pads with carbon already in them? u have to keep adding carbon?


The emporer yeah comes with the blue filters with the carbon in them already. Then there is a grey cartridge (Empty) behind that. I was told to put Diamond rock in there. So I did. I think it helps to just keep the water clearer.


o, i know what ur talking about. i never thought of putting carbon in that though:thinking: it probably helps in removing impurities


Carp31 -
Carbon is used to pull out impurities out of the water. People like to use it for short period of time because of the leaching of po4 and sucking up too much stuff out of the water. Carbon can also clear the water so well that more light can penetrate the water. Some people have success using it 24-7, and others have success using it for a shorter time. For what it is worth it is your call. If your water doesn't seem to clear then it might be to your main advantage to use it.:D
Good Luck


I use reef carbon .. It wouldn't release phosphates, and is much better.. If you are afraid of taking out minerals and etc.. try using renew.. It's not suppose to remove any trace minerals, and etc.. You can run it longer, because of this.. :jumping:


Thanks everyone. This message board is awesome!! A lot of helpfull people on here. Thank you again.


According to some local folks here and my nearsest lfs carbon can actually remove some of the good stuff. They run carbon for 24-48 once or 2x a month. I have never used carbon but am setting up a filter to include it.


Carbon is a chemical adsorber. The "activation" is created by a process that uses high pressure and temperature that makes microscopic cracks in the carbon. These cracks can adsorb many impurities.
Please understand that Carbon will remove many chemicals, but NOT remove biologicals - that's required by the bacteria in your RBC (rotating biological contactor or biowheel) or in a wet/dry the media balls.
All this technology is directly "adsorbed" :) from the wastewater industry. Thank God for them - or else we wouldn't have our reef tank technology!

I use diamond rock myself - and change it out just about once a month.
Tulip, what makes that carbon "reef carbon"? I'm not doubting it, I just wonder what makes it special. :notsure: