Why is it always like this?

I have a 55 gallon, beginner reef tank. It contains 2 mated Ocellaris clowns, and a bar goby. I have a semi DSB (about 4 inches) of figi sand, and about 25 lbs of LR. I also have between 10-15 blue hermits and 5 snails. As for coral i have a 14 headed frogspawn and about 15 Zoa frags.
I run a wet/dry with bio balls( planning a transition to LR) and Nova extreme pro lighting. As for flow i have a 1200, korilla 3, and my wet/dry return.( one PH on each side and return spout in middle)
I have a green/brown algae issue that seems to be getting worse. My glass tends to get covered everyday with what looks like green weeds. My sand is turning brown and clumpy in spots. It is starting to grow on my PH, thermometer, overflow box.
My question is this, can i use Phos guard, less lighting, better feeding/or less feeding. What can i do that im not doing to combat this. I started my tank with tap water
but have tracsitioned to RO water only.
Will carbon work? Any advice will help as this is driving me nuts.


Active Member
Whats are ur phosphate parameters? Carbon aint gonna do nothing. Scrape glass off everyday if needed a lot of us have to prolly. And keep up with water changes?
How long did u let the tank cycle?


how old are the lights? and does the tank get any direct sunlight?
one other thing is how long ago did you transition from tap and where are you getting your Ro water?
I cycled for 6 weeks before any LS was added. My Novas are only 3 weeks old. My tank sits in my LR so sunlight may at times reach the tank. Also i quit with tap about three weeks ago, but during my filter emergency i was forced to use about 5 gallons. I have no idea what my phos levels are, i was told phos guard may help.


Active Member
Get a Phos test kits esp since u have used tap water. Hit up ur weekly water changes, and that should help a little.
How long are you running ur lights a day? The brown algea on the sand is more than likel;y just diatoms since u didnt add it til after cycle was done.
And whats ur clean up crew like? Prolly add a little in that area and thatd also help!


phosgaurd will help if there is phosphates in the water.
I think what you are going to have to do is bear with it for alittle while. Right now the tank is going through some changes from the addition of RO water, fairly new lighting, and that the tank is new you are going to get algae flare ups and diatom growth in the tank. It usually stabilizes after a while. I would keep scraping the glass and add some more snails to your CUC to help you out with it.
thanks...what snails are the best for reefs? and ill get a phos tester asap. Water changes are every week %10 thus far.


Active Member
By far IMO. crabs seem like they eat more left overs, but I hate them. See u only have 5 snails def get more
10-15 Nass
10 Cerith
6 turbos
1 margarita


I had a real problem with the algae in my tank also (80 gal.). I purchased a UV steralizer and the water has been crystal clear ever since, I don't even have to scrape anything off..... there will be other people who will disagree with me on the use of my steralizer, but here are some pics of the algae before and after....the first two are before (hence the green stuff) the second two are after (clear)



Originally Posted by vkuroczka
I had a real problem with the algae in my tank also (80 gal.). I purchased a UV steralizer and the water has been crystal clear ever since, I don't even have to scrape anything off..... there will be other people who will disagree with me on the use of my steralizer, but here are some pics of the algae before and after....the first two are before (hence the green stuff) the second two are after (clear)
uv is definately an algae killer but it has to be in the water column


plus in a reef tank IMO it does more harm than good a stabil and balanced system will do the same thing.
Do you have a sump set up shaun?


Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
By far IMO. crabs seem like they eat more left overs, but I hate them. See u only have 5 snails def get more
10-15 Nass
10 Cerith
6 turbos
1 margarita
yeah I would deffinately add more and a variety of them each snail has a spot that it prefers the sand the rocks the glass the tide rims. so one type wont cut it on full tank cleaning.
i actually have been exploring the idea of how to make my wet dry better. Its a classic set up, water comes in flows through bio balls through a baffle and back in. I have heard of people finding ways to us chaeto ect... in a wet/dry
So im not sure....


every system with lights for corals will have algae. Some algaes do not have to have phosphates or nitrates or old lights to thrive.
That being said, there is a "normal" amount of algae. If left uneradicated it will overwhenlm your tank, but a solution can be as easy as turbo snails.
These ones...here
For a 55, I'd say get around 40. You'll be amazed what they will do!
And some kind of algae eating fish like a lawn mower blenny will also help.


Nassarius will do nothing for algae. If you are overfeeding, they will catch what hits the sand, but they are not algae eaters. Just so you know.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Nassarius will do nothing for algae. If you are overfeeding, they will catch what hits the sand, but they are not algae eaters. Just so you know.

They cruise all through the sand though. A good by IMO. They are not big algae eaters though, as mentioned.


Mine don't cruise all through the sand. They cruise over it. They bury themselves, and come out for food, but don't really do much to "stir" though...


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Mine don't cruise all through the sand. They cruise over it. They bury themselves, and come out for food, but don't really do much to "stir" though...
Really? I hardly ever see mine. Once in awhile I will see the feelers poking through the sand.