Why is it.....


That I love reading the diaries of peoples tanks, and I love seeing pictures of equipment (especially lights), but once the tank is done and cycled i just scan through all the pics quickly? Like when i go to a LFS, i always check out there equipment before the livestock. And i really want to try corals, but when im looking at people corals, they kinda bore me and i don't really look at the pictures, like they don't really interest me. I think im more addicted to the equipment and making them look good than the actual livestock. I have noticed that i like seeing pictures of other peoples Lawnmower Blenny's, but not there clowns (i have both also), and i like sixline's, but not shrimp and alot of inverts. Another wierd thing, i actually don't like looking at peoples set ups that are like mine (55 gallon with 10 gallon sump), not cuz im jealous or anything, but that it just doesn't peek my interest. Am i wierd or what? I guess to paraphrase things, i get more excited about the equipment aspect than the actual finished product. I guess im just wanting to know if anybody feels the same way about it that i do.


Active Member
A tank with expensive equipment and no livestock would help with your nitrate issues for sure.

Besides lighting fixtures I could care less about equipment.


Lol, and why is it you manage to post in most my threads lol. Just messin with you. Yeah, my nitrate problem is getting better. Did another 10 gallon water change today, didn't test anything, but ill do it in the morning. I feel kinda sick all day long too. But is this just me? Or do other people like seeing others eqiupment more than the livestock, even though the livestock is 100% what a saltwater tank is about?


I love looking at peoples setups and equipment rooms. I think for me its the gadgets and stuff.


I'm the same way but i think it's because i can't afford 80% of the equipment out there.
It's like "window shoping"


I guess there are those who like setting up a beautiful aquarium, those who like looking at beautiful aquariums, and those who like both. If you like the setting them up, them good for you. I personally wouldn't question it and just keep on doing what you love.


Active Member
you need to get into the crazier DiY projects. that really makes the hobby rewarding in varying aspects. very hands on, and creative. you learn beginners plumbing, carpentry , electronics....


Originally Posted by Keebler
I guess there are those who like setting up a beautiful aquarium, those who like looking at beautiful aquariums, and those who like both. If you like the setting them up, them good for you. I personally wouldn't question it and just keep on doing what you love.

Are you talking about aquaria or women?


Yeah i find that im definetly more interested in the equipment aspect of everything, even though the end result is always fish..... or corals.... but still the same situation.